Help rapidcangerATC

is the lowrider compatble with rapidChangerATC

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I believe that’s driven by your choice of spindle. I don’t see a reason why the MPCNC LowRider wouldn’t work with it, as long as you placed the magazine inside the movement envelope and have a reversible spindle with appropriate control enabled in firmware.

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That said, you’d be the first I know about. So you would have a lot to figure out. Let us know if you try it. We might be able to help a little.

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thank you for the insight

will do, thanks

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I have already answered in your other post.:
From the cnc controller side you are covered if you are using the Jackpot because of FluidNC .
The other side: you need a cnc spindle with vfd to make it work. If you can resolve that and use it in your cnc you are good to go. (Will edit this comment with the extra espace you need for clearance for xyz )

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I’m going to watch your progress here. Could come in handy.

I absolutely agree that this is interesting! Toolchanging without the loss of Z-height by just spinning the nut on. This looks awesome. I admit that tool changes are not my favorite.

This might be enough to get me to look at a spindle.

I spent quite a while last night looking at this tool changing option. It’s quite intriguing. The dust cover looks pretty important, so it’s really a $600-$800 option once you factor in the collets and nuts. I’d have to add a spindle as well, so it would easily double the cost of the LR3. But wow, what a great idea for a tool changer.

I’ve been running a poorly optimized workflow to cut out gridfinity bases for some drawers. I remove the bulk of material with a 1/4", then finish the shape with an 1/8", then chamfer the edges with a 90 degree. The tool changer could make that an entirely different experience.

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Say what??? You are cutting the base into the bottom of the drawer vs printing a base to sit in the drawer??? Please start a build thread on this lol. This is extremely interesting!!