Help Getting Started

I have decided to try and get this thing going again. Where I am is that I believe I have all the hardware installed, but I’m having issue getting motors moving and the LCD working. Can I get help?

I just made sure that Marlin is loaded on the Arduino. What is next?

What controller do you have? Do you have an LCD and is it sort of working?

Sone more background on what you have, what you expect to happen, and what is actually happening would get the debugging process going.

Your post got sent to email you need to post from the forums for it to show up.

Whatever firmware you are trying to load I do not recognize it so please include details of that as it is not mine.

I’m sorry. I have a Maslow that I’ve been trying on too and somehow I was using it by mistake. Got it figured out and switched. Running into other issues now.

And the LCD is sort of working as in it lights up, but that’s the end of it working.

This is how far I got today. I can get Repetier to connect and act like it wants to work, but nothing. I keep running into that this is why Ryan quit carrying RAMPs.

What firmware did you flash it with?