Help develop the next MP3DP!?!

I apparently need to figure out what to do with 2 hypercubes now. Because V5…


I will also be building a V5. I just can’t decide if I want to take apart one of my V4s or just build my V5 from scratch. Decisions…


I’d mod the v4 as well, but I just built it and it is working well, so why mess with a good thing?

to make it better… duh. :laughing:

I want a 5 minute benchy printed in ASA!

Cuz v5 is a pretty giant step up in every way… doing these tests, still very amazing.

I really hate to say that but I am already looking at all my V4’s thinking what do I do with them?

What is the upgrade path? a few printed parts, some milled parts, and longer belts, bolts, and a couple idlers? That was part of the reason I was asking how far off the extrusion lengths were… but you have 200x200 systems and the v5 is a 300x300. I built my v4 300x300, so it can be upgraded… You’d have to get all new extrusion to build bigger printers.

well you are going to Rmrrf, sell em!

In my case, I have a 200mm cubed V4. I want to build a 300mm cubed V5. I also am running Hemeras on my V4s where now I’d like to run the BIQU extruder. Soooooo I really need all new framing, new print bed and heater, new extruder, new linear rails. The only thing I would be able to salvage from the V4 is the SKR Pro and power supply.

I am thinking I might as well leave the V4s alive…

if you kept the hemera, all you would need is bed, rails and extrusions… “all” is super subjective.

Keep in mind that if you convert the V4, you won’t be able to do side-by-side comparisons to justify to yourself or anyone else why it was important to build the V5…

So it kinda sounds like you have no choice but to keep both… :man_shrugging:

You could certainly re-use the linear rails, idlers pulleys and steppers, bed, control board and extruder. When it comes down to it, I think The Y extrusions are longer, and the Z are shorter. Everything else is pretty close.

If you are careful, the expensive stuff can be reused and a lot of the extrusions.

I have 6 printers sitting here, I have to really figure that out. Will I repurpose them or start fresh? Shipping them to the *RRF is not super cheap but doable, technically I can not sell there unless I start the paperwork really soon.

I think I want to start fresh, it makes it easier for me in terms of Gcode and slicing. I do it for one machine and it works for all of them.

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Damn so that means 8 V5’s? Better beef up your rack for all these printers hauling ass!!!

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Might only need 4 now….

4 printers running 3x the speed of the original 8


Don’t disagree there. But 8 running at 3 times the speed would sure pump out more parts to sell. Plus a few will be running slower with his fancy filaments lol


Now that’s settled, can we get back to CNC business? :sweat_smile:

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@vicious1 throw up some pics of your test prints when you get a few. And if you remember what settings you used for them. Curios to see how it’s doing now that you are printing faster.


I just did a couple temp test towers. I will put up some pictures shortly.

Turns out I think I need to turn up the temps a bit. That means higher flow rate, and, the new nozzle is due tomorrow. Maybe I get lucky and it shows up today.

Sorry almost forgot. Some filament showed up for the neighbor’s Dragon print. So here is the temp tower and the in progress dragon. 85mm/s silk filament, kinda surprising.


Looking good!

You can say what you want - but this threads make me want to build the new printer - even if I have no credible reason for needing one!! I guess having a printer with a built in enclosure is neat… :cowboy_hat_face: