grblHAL on skr pro 1.2

Hi, does anyone tryied to run grblHAL on SKR pro 1.2 yet ?

According to compatibility list(, it can work with that driver:

Thus, soft TMC2209 UART are not supported yet for that driver but support exists for other board.

I’ve created a feature request for it and i had a positive response of the developper for adding that support soon.
He will not be able to test as he doesn’t own that hardware, but maybe some of us would be please to give it a try…

I’ll let you know when any progress will be made on this.


I am using grblHAL on the Teensy 4.1 platform using Phil Barrett’s breakout board (on Tindie). This works great for auto squaring with independently driven X1, X2, Y1, and Y2 steppers.


Yes i saw that board and your big speed up topic, its very interressing but i already own a skr pro with TMC2209 and i wish i could reuse it at no cost.
Right now i only use a Neje laser but i’m not glad with engraving on Marlin(but perfect for cutting), goings and comings engrave more deeper on borders as Marlin doesn’t reduce pwm near movement changes.
I think GRBL doesn’t suffer of that.

External TB6600 would be a huge change on my setup…but i’m curious, are they quiet ? i cannot not support anymore loudy drivers.

Also would you mind to share your my_machine.h and other .h you might adapted for your machine ?

I know nothing on grbl and if by any chance support for skr pro Tmc2209 uart would be added soon i would be quite totally lost on what config to apply before build it for testing.

Marlin does have that, maybe it needs to be enabled again. The laser stuff just got reworked by thinkyhead and gang, so now we need to do another round of testing to see if the changes still work.

1 Like

I have not noticed any loud sounds from the steppers and no sound from the TB6600 drivers themselves. These are cheap drivers, though, and I am sure there are more expensive ones that make stepping quieter.

  my_machine.h - configuration for IMXRT1062 processor (on Teensy 4.x board)

  Part of grblHAL

  Copyright (c) 2020 Terje Io

  Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Grbl.  If not, see <>.

// BOARD_T40X101 and BOARD_T41U5XBB by Phil Barrett:

// NOTE: Only one board may be enabled!
// If none is enabled pin mappings from generic_map.h will be used
//#define BOARD_T40X101
#define BOARD_T41U5XBB
//#define BOARD_T41U5XBB_SS // For a modified T41U5XBB board, allows spindle sync to be enabled.
//#define BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO
//#define BOARD_MY_MACHINE // Add my_machine_map.h before enabling this!

// Configuration
// Uncomment to enable, for some a value > 1 may be assigned, if so the default value is shown.

              Plugin: | ETHERNET� | SDCARD� | KEYPAD | EEPROM | N_AXIS |
BOARD_T40X101         | no        | no      | yes    | yes�   | max 4  |
BOARD_T41U5XBB        | yes       | yes     | yes    | yes�   | max 5  |
BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO     | yes       | yes     | yes    | yes    | max 5  |
BOARD_CNC_BOOSTERPACK | yes�      | yes     | yes    | yes    | max 3  |

� Teensy 4.1 only
� External magjack.
� EEPROM is optional and must be added to the board.

N_AXIS has a default value of 3, edit grbl\config.h to increase.


#define USB_SERIAL_CDC      2 // 1 for Arduino class library and 2 for PJRC C library. Comment out to use UART communication.
//#define USB_SERIAL_WAIT     1 // Wait for USB connection before starting grblHAL.
//#define BLUETOOTH_ENABLE   1 // Set to 1 for HC-05 module. Requires Bluetooth plugin.
//#define SPINDLE_HUANYANG    1 // Set to 1 or 2 for Huanyang VFD spindle. Requires spindle plugin.
//#define QEI_ENABLE          1 // Enable quadrature encoder interfaces. Max value is 1. Requires encoder plugin.
#define ETHERNET_ENABLE     1 // Ethernet streaming. Requires networking plugin.
#define SDCARD_ENABLE       1 // Run gcode programs from SD card, requires sdcard plugin.
#define KEYPAD_ENABLE       1 // I2C keypad for jogging etc., requires keypad plugin.
//#define PLASMA_ENABLE       1 // Plasma/THC plugin. To be completed.
//#define PPI_ENABLE          1 // Laser PPI plugin. To be completed.
//#define ODOMETER_ENABLE     1 // Odometer plugin.
//#define OPENPNP_ENABLE      1 // OpenPNP plugin. To be completed.
#define EEPROM_ENABLE       1 // I2C EEPROM support. Set to 1 for 24LC16(2K), 2 for larger sizes. Requires eeprom plugin.
//#define EEPROM_IS_FRAM      1 // Uncomment when EEPROM is enabled and chip is FRAM, this to remove write delay.
//#define SPINDLE_SYNC_ENABLE 1 // Enable spindle sync support (G33, G76). !! NOTE: Alpha quality - enable only for test or verification.
                                // Currently only available for BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO and BOARD_T41U5XBB_SS.
//#define ESTOP_ENABLE        0 // When enabled only real-time report requests will be executed when the reset pin is asserted.
                                // Note: if left commented out the default setting is determined from COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL.

// If the selected board map supports more than three motors ganging and/or auto-squaring
// of axes can be enabled here.
#define X_GANGED            1
#define X_AUTO_SQUARE       1
#define Y_GANGED            1
#define Y_AUTO_SQUARE       1
//#define Z_GANGED            1
//#define Z_AUTO_SQUARE       1
// For ganged axes the limit switch input (if available) can be configured to act as a max travel limit switch.
// NOTE: If board map already has max limit inputs defined this configuration will be ignored.
//#define X_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1
//#define Y_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1
//#define Z_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1

#define TELNET_ENABLE           1 // Telnet daemon - requires Ethernet streaming enabled.
#define FTP_ENABLE              1 // Ftp daemon - requires SD card enabled.
#define WEBSOCKET_ENABLE        1 // Websocket daemon - requires Ethernet streaming enabled.
#define NETWORK_HOSTNAME        "GRBL"
#define NETWORK_IPMODE          0 // 0 = static, 1 = DHCP, 2 = AutoIP
#define NETWORK_IP              ""
#define NETWORK_GATEWAY         ""
#define NETWORK_MASK            ""
#define NETWORK_TELNET_PORT     23
#define NETWORK_HTTP_PORT       80

Good news thanks

Thank you @stevempotter.

Terjeio of GrblHAL has just added support for TMC2209 uart, that was quick !!

I will try to test it this week. In the meantime if other people, more skilled than me, also want to give it a try do not hesitate :wink: fedeback can be shared here :

An update as grblHAL finally loads well on my board, TMC2209 uart are not working yet but grblHAL on SKR Pro is already a great news !

GrblHAL 1.1f ['
``` or '$HELP' for help]
[MSG:'$H'|'$X' to unlock]
G-code locked out during alarm or jog state.
Target buffer size found

I share a new link related to that board / tmc 2209 drivers :

EDIT: TMC2209 are recognized(M122) and i’m able to move a test motor on X !

I did “my best” last 15 days in testing/reporting grblHAL terjeio’s live modifications for that board but now it’s here i feel like an idiot.
I am a real newbe on grbl, so much to learn to get start(current, step/mm settings…), so any more skilled tester would be more than welcome …

1 Like

Hi Steve,

Following your build, I also bought the grblHAL Teensy BOB. I‘m currently struggling a bit with the configuration. Would you mind sharing your my_machine.h and eventually grbl/config.h if any changes needed there? That would be great!

Thanks, Christian

Sorry, Steve, have just realised you‘d already shared your my_machine.h. Are there any changes needed in the grbl core config?

Hi Christian, I will try to paste my most recent my_machine.h, grbl settings and config.h files below, in case I have changed things since then. I probably changed things about the parking behaviour.

Steve M. Potter’s Portable Primo Build with a Teensy 4.1 MCU plugged into Phil Barrett’s Breakout Board (on Tindie) and running grblHAL firmware

  my_machine.h - configuration for IMXRT1062 processor (on Teensy 4.x board)

  Part of grblHAL

  Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Terje Io

  Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Grbl.  If not, see <>.

// BOARD_T40X101 and BOARD_T41U5XBB by Phil Barrett:

// NOTE: Only one board may be enabled!
// If none is enabled pin mappings from generic_map.h will be used
//#define BOARD_T40X101
#define BOARD_T41U5XBB
//#define BOARD_T41U5XBB_SS // For a modified T41U5XBB board, allows spindle sync to be enabled.
//#define BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO
//#define BOARD_GRBLHAL2000
//#define BOARD_MY_MACHINE // Add my_machine_map.h before enabling this!
//#define BAUD_RATE 230400
// Configuration
// Uncomment to enable, for some a value > 1 may be assigned, if so the default value is shown.

              Plugin: | ETHERNET� | SDCARD� | KEYPAD | EEPROM | N_AXIS |
BOARD_T40X101         | no        | no      | yes    | yes�   | max 4  |
BOARD_T41U5XBB        | yes       | yes     | yes    | yes�   | max 5  |
BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO     | yes       | yes     | yes    | yes    | max 5  |
BOARD_CNC_BOOSTERPACK | yes�      | yes     | yes    | yes    | max 3  |
BOARD_GRBLHAL2000     | yes       | yes     | yes    | yes    | max 5  |

� Teensy 4.1 only
� External magjack.
� EEPROM is optional and must be added to the board.

N_AXIS has a default value of 3, edit grbl\config.h to increase.


#define USB_SERIAL_CDC      2 // 1 for Arduino class library and 2 for PJRC C library. Comment out to use UART communication.
#define SAFETY_DOOR_ENABLE  1 // Enable safety door input.
//#define USB_SERIAL_WAIT     1 // Wait for USB connection before starting grblHAL.
//#define BLUETOOTH_ENABLE    1 // Set to 1 for HC-05 module. Requires and claims one auxillary input pin.
//#define VFD_ENABLE          1 // Set to 1 or 2 for Huanyang VFD spindle. More here
//#define DUAL_SPINDLE        1 // Uncomment for switching between VFD spindle and PWM output with $32
//#define MODBUS_ENABLE       1 // Set to 1 for auto direction, 2 for direction signal on auxillary output pin.
//#define WEBUI_ENABLE        1 // Enable ESP3D-WEBUI plugin along with networking and SD card plugins.
//#define WEBUI_INFLASH       1 // Store WebUI files in flash instead of on SD card.
#define ETHERNET_ENABLE     1 // Ethernet streaming. Enables networking plugin.
#define SDCARD_ENABLE       1 // Run gcode programs from SD card, enables sdcard plugin.
//#define QEI_ENABLE          1 // Enable quadrature encoder interfaces. Max value is 1. Requires encoder plugin.
#define MPG_ENABLE          2 // Enable MPG interface. Requires serial port and one handshake pin unless
                                // KEYPAD_ENABLE is set to 2 when mode switching is done by the CMD_MPG_MODE_TOGGLE (0x8B)
                                // command character. Set both MPG_ENABLE and KEYPAD_ENABLE to 2 to use a handshake pin anyway.
#define KEYPAD_ENABLE       2 // Set to 1 for I2C keypad, 2 for other input such as serial data. If KEYPAD_ENABLE is set to 2
                                // and MPG_ENABLE is uncommented then a serial stream is shared with the MPG.
//#define PLASMA_ENABLE       1 // Plasma/THC plugin. To be completed.
//#define MCP3221_ENABLE      1 // Enable analog input via MCP3221 ADC.
//#define PPI_ENABLE          1 // Laser PPI plugin. To be completed.
//#define ODOMETER_ENABLE     1 // Odometer plugin.
//#define OPENPNP_ENABLE      1 // OpenPNP plugin. To be completed.
//#define FANS_ENABLE         1 // Enable fan control via M106/M107. Enables fans plugin.
//#define EEPROM_ENABLE       1 // I2C EEPROM support. Set to 1 for 24LC16 (2K), 3 for 24C32 (4K - 32 byte page) and 2 for other sizes. Enables eeprom plugin.
//#define EEPROM_IS_FRAM      1 // Uncomment when EEPROM is enabled and chip is FRAM, this to remove write delay.
//#define SPINDLE_SYNC_ENABLE 1 // Enable spindle sync support (G33, G76). !! NOTE: Alpha quality - enable only for test or verification.
                                // Currently only available for BOARD_T41BB5X_PRO and BOARD_T41U5XBB_SS.
//#define ESTOP_ENABLE        0 // When enabled only real-time report requests will be executed when the reset pin is asserted.
                                // Note: if left commented out the default setting is determined from COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL.

// If the selected board map supports more than three motors ganging and/or auto-squaring
// of axes can be enabled here.
#define X_GANGED            1
#define X_AUTO_SQUARE       1
#define Y_GANGED            1
#define Y_AUTO_SQUARE       1
//#define Z_GANGED            1
//#define Z_AUTO_SQUARE       1
// For ganged axes the limit switch input (if available) can be configured to act as a max travel limit switch.
// NOTE: If board map already has max limit inputs defined this configuration will be ignored.
//#define X_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1
//#define Y_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1
//#define Z_GANGED_LIM_MAX    1

#define TELNET_ENABLE           1 // Telnet daemon - requires Ethernet streaming enabled.
#define WEBSOCKET_ENABLE        1 // Websocket daemon - requires Ethernet streaming enabled.
#define FTP_ENABLE              1 // Ftp daemon - requires SD card enabled
//#define HTTP_ENABLE             1 // http daemon - requires SD card enabled.
// The following symbols have the default values as shown, uncomment and change as needed.
#define NETWORK_HOSTNAME        "GRBL"
#define NETWORK_IPMODE          1 // 0 = static, 1 = DHCP, 2 = AutoIP
#define NETWORK_IP               ""
#define NETWORK_GATEWAY         ""
#define NETWORK_MASK            ""
#define NETWORK_FTP_PORT        21
#define NETWORK_TELNET_PORT     23
#define NETWORK_HTTP_PORT       80

I can see in my grbl settings that a few of the defaults in my config.h (below) have been updated (using IOsender to alter them easily, without having to recompile the firmware).
Notably, I have a faster max Z speed since I changed the pitch on my leadscrew.

Here is a printout of my grbl settings, dated 6 Dec 2022:

; grblHAL
; 1.1f.20220215
; [OPT:VNMPZHSL+W2,35,1024,3,0]
; [DRIVER:iMXRT1062]
; [AUX IO:4,3,0,0]
; [IP:]
; [NETCON:Telnet]
; 0 - Step pulse time
; 1 - Step idle delay
; 2 - Step pulse invert
; 3 - Step direction invert
; 4 - Invert stepper enable pin(s)
; 5 - Invert limit pins
; 6 - Invert probe pin
; 7 - Disable spindle with zero speed
; 8 - Ganged axes direction invert
; 10 - Status report options
; 11 - Junction deviation
; 12 - Arc tolerance
; 13 - Report in inches
; 14 - Invert control pins
; 15 - Invert coolant pins
; 16 - Invert spindle signals
; 17 - Pullup disable control pins
; 18 - Pullup disable limit pins
; 19 - Pullup disable probe pin
; 20 - Soft limits enable
; 21 - Hard limits enable
; 22 - Homing cycle
; 23 - Homing direction invert
; 24 - Homing locate feed rate
; 25 - Homing search seek rate
; 26 - Homing switch debounce delay
; 27 - Homing switch pull-off distance
; 28 - G73 Retract distance
; 29 - Pulse delay
; 30 - Maximum spindle speed
; 31 - Minimum spindle speed
; 32 - Mode of operation
; 33 - Spindle PWM frequency
; 34 - Spindle PWM off value
; 35 - Spindle PWM min value
; 36 - Spindle PWM max value
; 37 - Steppers deenergize
; 39 - Enable legacy RT commands
; 40 - Limit jog commands
; 41 - Parking cycle
; 42 - Parking axis
; 43 - Homing passes
; 44 - Axes homing, first pass
; 45 - Axes homing, second pass
; 46 - Axes homing, third pass
; 50 - Step jog speed
; 51 - Slow jog speed
; 52 - Fast jog speed
; 53 - Step jog distance
; 54 - Slow jog distance
; 55 - Fast jog distance
; 56 - Parking pull-out distance
; 57 - Parking pull-out rate
; 58 - Parking target
; 59 - Parking fast rate
; 60 - Restore overrides
; 61 - Safety door options
; 62 - Sleep enable
; 63 - Feed hold actions
; 64 - Force init alarm
; 65 - Probing feed override
; 70 - Network Services
; 100 - X-axis travel resolution
; 101 - Y-axis travel resolution
; 102 - Z-axis travel resolution
; 110 - X-axis maximum rate
; 111 - Y-axis maximum rate
; 112 - Z-axis maximum rate
; 120 - X-axis acceleration
; 121 - Y-axis acceleration
; 122 - Z-axis acceleration
; 130 - X-axis maximum travel
; 131 - Y-axis maximum travel
; 132 - Z-axis maximum travel
; 170 - X-axis dual axis offset
; 171 - Y-axis dual axis offset
; 172 - Z-axis dual axis offset
; 300 - Hostname
; 301 - IP Mode
; 302 - IP Address
; 303 - Gateway
; 304 - Netmask
; 305 - Telnet port
; 307 - Websocket port
; 308 - FTP port
; 341 - Tool change mode
; 342 - Tool change probing distance
; 343 - Tool change locate feed rate
; 344 - Tool change search seek rate
; 345 - Tool change probe pull-off rate
; 347 - Dual axis length fail
; 348 - Dual axis length fail min
; 349 - Dual axis length fail max
; 370 - Invert I/O Port inputs
; 372 - Invert I/O Port outputs
; 384 - Disable G92 persistence
; 392 - Spindle on delay
; 393 - Coolant on delay

1 Like

Steve M. Potter’s Portable Primo Build with a Teensy 4.1 MCU plugged into Phil Barrett’s Breakout Board (on Tindie) and running grblHAL firmware
And here is
config.h in two parts because there is a 32000 char limit to these posts.

  config.h - compile time configuration and default setting values

  Part of grblHAL

  Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Terje Io

  Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Grbl.  If not, see <>.

// This file contains compile-time configurations for Grbl's internal system. For the most part,
// users will not need to directly modify these, but they are here for specific needs, i.e.
// performance tuning or adjusting to non-typical machines.

// IMPORTANT: Any changes here requires a full re-compiling of the source code to propagate them.
//            A reset of non-volatile storage with $RST=* after reflashing is also required as
//            most are just default values for settings.

#ifndef _GRBL_CONFIG_H_
#define _GRBL_CONFIG_H_

// Compile time only default configuration

#ifndef N_AXIS
/*! Defines number of axes supported - minimum 3, maximum 6

If more than 3 axes are configured a compliant driver and map file is needed.
#define N_AXIS 3 // Number of axes

/*! Define compatibility level with the grbl 1.1 protocol.

Additional G- and M-codes are not disabled except when level is set to >= 10.
This does not apply to G- and M-codes dependent on driver and/or configuration settings disabled by setting level > 1.
<br>Set to 0 for reporting itself as "GrblHAL" with protocol extensions enabled.
<br>Set to 1 to disable some extensions, and for reporting itself as "Grbl".
<br>Set to 2 to disable new settings as well, use #define parameters for setting default values.
<br>These can be found in in this file and in defaults.h.
<br>Set to 10 to also disable new coordinate system offsets (G59.1 - G59.3) and some $# report extensions.

__NOTE:__ if switching to a level > 1 please reset non-volatile storage with \a $RST=* after reflashing!

//#define KINEMATICS_API // Remove comment to add HAL entry points for custom kinematics

// Enable Maslow router kinematics.
// Experimental - testing required and homing needs to be worked out.
//#define MASLOW_ROUTER // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Enable wall plotter kinematics.
// Experimental - testing required and homing needs to be worked out.
//#define WALL_PLOTTER // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Enable CoreXY kinematics. Use ONLY with CoreXY machines.
// IMPORTANT: If homing is enabled, you must reconfigure the homing cycle #defines above to
// NOTE: This configuration option alters the motion of the X and Y axes to principle of operation
// defined at ( Motors are assumed to positioned and wired exactly as
// described, if not, motions may move in strange directions. Grbl requires the CoreXY A and B motors
// have the same steps per mm internally.
//#define COREXY // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Add a short delay for each block processed in Check Mode to
// avoid overwhelming the sender with fast reply messages.
// This is likely to happen when streaming is done via a protocol where
// the speed is not limited to 115200 baud. An example is native USB streaming.
//#define CHECK_MODE_DELAY 2 // ms

// After the safety door switch has been toggled and restored, this setting sets the power-up delay
// between restoring the spindle and coolant and resuming the cycle.
#define SAFETY_DOOR_SPINDLE_DELAY 5.0f // Float (seconds)
#define SAFETY_DOOR_COOLANT_DELAY 1.0f // Float (seconds)

/*! @name Control signals bit definitions and mask.

__NOTE:__ these definitions are only referenced in this file. Do __NOT__ change!
#define SIGNALS_RESET_BIT (1<<0)
#define SIGNALS_ESTOP_BIT (1<<6)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enables code for debugging purposes. Not for general use and always in constant flux.
// #define DEBUG // Uncomment to enable. Default disabled.
// #define DEBUGOUT 0 // Uncomment to claim serial port with given instance number and add HAL entry point for debug output.

// If spindle RPM is set by high-level commands to a spindle controller (eg. via Modbus) or the driver supports closed loop
// spindle RPM control either uncomment the #define SPINDLE_RPM_CONTROLLED below or add SPINDLE_RPM_CONTROLLED as predefined symbol
// on the compiler command line. This will send spindle speed as a RPM value instead of a PWM value to the driver.

// Some status report data isn't necessary for realtime, only intermittently, because the values don't
// change often. The following macros configures how many times a status report needs to be called before
// the associated data is refreshed and included in the status report. However, if one of these value
// changes, Grbl will automatically include this data in the next status report, regardless of what the
// count is at the time. This helps reduce the communication overhead involved with high frequency reporting
// and agressive streaming. There is also a busy and an idle refresh count, which sets up Grbl to send
// refreshes more often when its not doing anything important. With a good GUI, this data doesn't need
// to be refreshed very often, on the order of a several seconds.
// NOTE: WCO refresh must be 2 or greater. OVERRIDE refresh must be 1 or greater.
//#define REPORT_OVERRIDE_REFRESH_BUSY_COUNT 20   // (1-255)
//#define REPORT_OVERRIDE_REFRESH_IDLE_COUNT 10   // (1-255) Must be less than or equal to the busy count
//#define REPORT_WCO_REFRESH_BUSY_COUNT 30        // (2-255)
//#define REPORT_WCO_REFRESH_IDLE_COUNT 10        // (2-255) Must be less than or equal to the busy count

// The temporal resolution of the acceleration management subsystem. A higher number gives smoother
// acceleration, particularly noticeable on machines that run at very high feedrates, but may negatively
// impact performance. The correct value for this parameter is machine dependent, so it's advised to
// set this only as high as needed. Approximate successful values can widely range from 50 to 200 or more.
// NOTE: Changing this value also changes the execution time of a segment in the step segment buffer.
// When increasing this value, this stores less overall time in the segment buffer and vice versa. Make
// certain the step segment buffer is increased/decreased to account for these changes.

// Sets the maximum step rate allowed to be written as a Grbl setting. This option enables an error
// check in the settings module to prevent settings values that will exceed this limitation. The maximum
// step rate is strictly limited by the CPU speed and will change if something other than an AVR running
// at 16MHz is used.
// NOTE: For now disabled, will enable if flash space permits.
//#define MAX_STEP_RATE_HZ 30000 // Hz

// With this enabled, Grbl sends back an echo of the line it has received, which has been pre-parsed (spaces
// removed, capitalized letters, no comments) and is to be immediately executed by Grbl. Echoes will not be
// sent upon a line buffer overflow, but should for all normal lines sent to Grbl. For example, if a user
// sendss the line 'g1 x1.032 y2.45 (test comment)', Grbl will echo back in the form '[echo: G1X1.032Y2.45]'.
// NOTE: Only use this for debugging purposes!! When echoing, this takes up valuable resources and can effect
// performance. If absolutely needed for normal operation, the serial write buffer should be greatly increased
// to help minimize transmission waiting within the serial write protocol.
//#define REPORT_ECHO_LINE_RECEIVED // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Sets which axis the tool length offset is applied. Assumes the spindle is always parallel with
// the selected axis with the tool oriented toward the negative direction. In other words, a positive
// tool length offset value is subtracted from the current location.
//#define TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET_AXIS Z_AXIS // Default z-axis. Valid values are X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, or Z_AXIS.

// Minimum planner junction speed. Sets the default minimum junction speed the planner plans to at
// every buffer block junction, except for starting from rest and end of the buffer, which are always
// zero. This value controls how fast the machine moves through junctions with no regard for acceleration
// limits or angle between neighboring block line move directions. This is useful for machines that can't
// tolerate the tool dwelling for a split second, i.e. 3d printers or laser cutters. If used, this value
// should not be much greater than zero or to the minimum value necessary for the machine to work.
//#define MINIMUM_JUNCTION_SPEED 0.0f // (mm/min)

// Sets the minimum feed rate the planner will allow. Any value below it will be set to this minimum
// value. This also ensures that a planned motion always completes and accounts for any floating-point
// round-off errors. Although not recommended, a lower value than 1.0 mm/min will likely work in smaller
// machines, perhaps to 0.1mm/min, but your success may vary based on multiple factors.
// #define MINIMUM_FEED_RATE 1.0f // (mm/min)

// Number of arc generation iterations by small angle approximation before exact arc trajectory
// correction with expensive sin() and cos() calculations. This parameter maybe decreased if there
// are issues with the accuracy of the arc generations, or increased if arc execution is getting
// bogged down by too many trig calculations.
//#define N_ARC_CORRECTION 12 // Integer (1-255)

// The arc G2/3 g-code standard is problematic by definition. Radius-based arcs have horrible numerical
// errors when arc at semi-circles(pi) or full-circles(2*pi). Offset-based arcs are much more accurate
// but still have a problem when arcs are full-circles (2*pi). This define accounts for the floating
// point issues when offset-based arcs are commanded as full circles, but get interpreted as extremely
// small arcs with around machine epsilon (1.2e-7rad) due to numerical round-off and precision issues.
// This define value sets the machine epsilon cutoff to determine if the arc is a full-circle or not.
// NOTE: Be very careful when adjusting this value. It should always be greater than 1.2e-7 but not too
// much greater than this. The default setting should capture most, if not all, full arc error situations.
//#define ARC_ANGULAR_TRAVEL_EPSILON 5E-7f // Float (radians)

// Default constants for G5 Cubic splines
//#define BEZIER_MIN_STEP 0.002f
//#define BEZIER_MAX_STEP 0.1f
//#define BEZIER_SIGMA 0.1f

// Time delay increments performed during a dwell. The default value is set at 50ms, which provides
// a maximum time delay of roughly 55 minutes, more than enough for most any application. Increasing
// this delay will increase the maximum dwell time linearly, but also reduces the responsiveness of
// run-time command executions, like status reports, since these are performed between each dwell
// time step.
//#define DWELL_TIME_STEP 50 // Integer (1-255) (milliseconds)

// The number of linear motions in the planner buffer to be planned at any give time. The vast
// majority of RAM that Grbl uses is based on this buffer size. Only increase if there is extra
// available RAM, like when re-compiling for MCU with ample amounts of RAM. Or decrease if the MCU begins to
// crash due to the lack of available RAM or if the CPU is having trouble keeping up with planning
// new incoming motions as they are executed.
// #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 36 // Uncomment to override default in planner.h.

// Governs the size of the intermediary step segment buffer between the step execution algorithm
// and the planner blocks. Each segment is set of steps executed at a constant velocity over a
// fixed time defined by ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND. They are computed such that the planner
// block velocity profile is traced exactly. The size of this buffer governs how much step
// execution lead time there is for other Grbl processes have to compute and do their thing
// before having to come back and refill this buffer, currently at ~50msec of step moves.
// #define SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE 10 // Uncomment to override default in stepper.h.

// Configures the position after a probing cycle during Grbl's check mode. Disabled sets
// the position to the probe target, when enabled sets the position to the start position.
// #define SET_CHECK_MODE_PROBE_TO_START // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Force Grbl to check the state of the hard limit switches when the processor detects a pin
// change inside the hard limit ISR routine. By default, Grbl will trigger the hard limits
// alarm upon any pin change, since bouncing switches can cause a state check like this to
// misread the pin. When hard limits are triggered, they should be 100% reliable, which is the
// reason that this option is disabled by default. Only if your system/electronics can guarantee
// that the switches don't bounce, we recommend enabling this option. This will help prevent
// triggering a hard limit when the machine disengages from the switch.
// NOTE: This option has no effect if SOFTWARE_DEBOUNCE is enabled.
// #define HARD_LIMIT_FORCE_STATE_CHECK // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Adjusts homing cycle search and locate scalars. These are the multipliers used by Grbl's
// homing cycle to ensure the limit switches are engaged and cleared through each phase of
// the cycle. The search phase uses the axes max-travel setting times the SEARCH_SCALAR to
// determine distance to look for the limit switch. Once found, the locate phase begins and
// uses the homing pull-off distance setting times the LOCATE_SCALAR to pull-off and re-engage
// the limit switch.
// NOTE: Both of these values must be greater than 1.0 to ensure proper function.
// #define HOMING_AXIS_SEARCH_SCALAR  1.5f // Uncomment to override defaults in limits.c.
// #define HOMING_AXIS_LOCATE_SCALAR  10.0f // Uncomment to override defaults in limits.c.

// Enable the '$RST=*', '$RST=$', and '$RST=#' non-volatile storage restore commands. There are cases where
// these commands may be undesirable. Simply comment the desired macro to disable it.
// NOTE: See SETTINGS_RESTORE_ALL macro for customizing the `$RST=*` command.
//#define DISABLE_RESTORE_NVS_WIPE_ALL         // '$RST=*' Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.
//#define DISABLE_RESTORE_NVS_DEFAULT_SETTINGS // '$RST=$' Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.
//#define DISABLE_RESTORE_NVS_CLEAR_PARAMETERS // '$RST=#' Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.
//#define DISABLE_RESTORE_DRIVER_PARAMETERS    // '$RST=&' Default enabled. Uncomment to disable. For drivers that implements non-generic settings.

// Defines the non-volatile data restored upon a settings version change and `$RST=*` command. Whenever the
// the settings or other non-volatile data structure changes between Grbl versions, Grbl will automatically
// wipe and restore the non-volatile data. These macros controls what data is wiped and restored. This is useful
// particularily for OEMs that need to retain certain data. For example, the BUILD_INFO string can be
// written into non-volatile storage via a separate program to contain product data. Altering these
// macros to not restore the build info non-volatile storage will ensure this data is retained after firmware upgrades.
//#define SETTINGS_RESTORE_DEFAULTS          0 // Default enabled, uncomment to disable
//#define SETTINGS_RESTORE_PARAMETERS        0 // Default enabled, uncomment to disable
//#define SETTINGS_RESTORE_STARTUP_LINES     0 // Default enabled, uncomment to disable
//#define SETTINGS_RESTORE_BUILD_INFO        0 // Default enabled, uncomment to disable
//#define SETTINGS_RESTORE_DRIVER_PARAMETERS 0 // Default enabled, uncomment to disable

// Enable the '$I=(string)' build info write command. If disabled, any existing build info data must
// be placed into non-volatile storage via external means with a valid checksum value. This macro option is useful
// to prevent this data from being over-written by a user, when used to store OEM product data.
// NOTE: If disabled and to ensure Grbl can never alter the build info line, you'll also need to enable
// the SETTING_RESTORE_ALL macro above and remove SETTINGS_RESTORE_BUILD_INFO from the mask.
// NOTE: See the included grblWrite_BuildInfo.ino example file to write this string seperately.
// #define DISABLE_BUILD_INFO_WRITE_COMMAND // '$I=' Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.

// Enables and configures Grbl's sleep mode feature. If the spindle or coolant are powered and Grbl
// is not actively moving or receiving any commands, a sleep timer will start. If any data or commands
// are received, the sleep timer will reset and restart until the above condition are not satisfied.
// If the sleep timer elaspes, Grbl will immediately execute the sleep mode by shutting down the spindle
// and coolant and entering a safe sleep state. If parking is enabled, Grbl will park the machine as
// well. While in sleep mode, only a hard/soft reset will exit it and the job will be unrecoverable.
// NOTE: Sleep mode is a safety feature, primarily to address communication disconnect problems. To
// keep Grbl from sleeping, employ a stream of '?' status report commands as a connection "heartbeat".
//#define SLEEP_ENABLE  // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
//#define SLEEP_DURATION 5.0f // Number of minutes before sleep mode is entered.

// Disable non-volatile storage emulation/buffering in RAM (allocated from heap)
// Can be used for MCUs with no non-volatile storage or as buffer in order to avoid writing to
// non-volatile storage when not in idle state.
// The buffer will be written to non-volatile storage when in idle state.


// End compile time only default configuration

// When the HAL driver supports spindle sync then this option sets the number of pulses per revolution
// for the spindle encoder. Depending on the driver this may lead to the "spindle at speed" detection
// beeing enabled. When this is enabled grbl will wait for the spindle to reach the programmed speed
// before continue processing. NOTE: Currently there is no timeout for this wait.
// Default value is 0, meaning spindle sync is disabled
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PPR 0 // Pulses per revolution. Default 0.

// This option will automatically disable the laser during a feed hold by invoking a spindle stop
// override immediately after coming to a stop. However, this also means that the laser still may
// be reenabled by disabling the spindle stop override, if needed. This is purely a safety feature
// to ensure the laser doesn't inadvertently remain powered while at a stop and cause a fire.
//#define DEFAULT_ENABLE_LASER_DURING_HOLD // Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.

// This option is for what should happen on resume from feed hold.
// Default action is to restore spindle and coolant status (if overridden), this contradicts the
// behaviour of industrial controllers but is in line with earlier versions of Grbl.
//#define DEFAULT_NO_RESTORE_AFTER_FEED_HOLD // Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.

// When Grbl powers-cycles or is hard reset with the MCU reset button, Grbl boots up with no ALARM
// by default. This is to make it as simple as possible for new users to start using Grbl. When homing
// is enabled and a user has installed limit switches, Grbl will boot up in an ALARM state to indicate
// Grbl doesn't know its position and to force the user to home before proceeding. This option forces
// Grbl to always initialize into an ALARM state regardless of homing or not. This option is more for
// OEMs and LinuxCNC users that would like this power-cycle behavior.
//#define DEFAULT_FORCE_INITIALIZATION_ALARM // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// At power-up or a reset, Grbl will check the limit switch states to ensure they are not active
// before initialization. If it detects a problem and the hard limits setting is enabled, Grbl will
// simply message the user to check the limits and enter an alarm state, rather than idle. Grbl will
// not throw an alarm message.
//#define DEFAULT_CHECK_LIMITS_AT_INIT // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Configure options for the parking motion, if enabled.
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_AXIS Z_AXIS // Define which axis that performs the parking motion
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_TARGET -5.0f // Parking axis target. In mm, as machine coordinate [-max_travel,0].
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_RATE 2500.0f // Parking fast rate after pull-out in mm/min.
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_PULLOUT_RATE 600.0f // Pull-out/plunge slow feed rate in mm/min.
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_PULLOUT_INCREMENT 10.0f // Spindle pull-out and plunge distance in mm. Incremental distance.
                                                 // Must be positive value or equal to zero.

// Enables a special set of M-code commands that enables and disables the parking motion.
// These are controlled by `M56`, `M56 P1`, or `M56 Px` to enable and `M56 P0` to disable.
// The command is modal and will be set after a planner sync. Since it is g-code, it is
// executed in sync with g-code commands. It is not a real-time command.
// NOTE: PARKING_ENABLE is required. By default, M56 is active upon initialization. Use
// DEACTIVATE_PARKING_UPON_INIT to set M56 P0 as the power-up default.
//#define DEFAULT_ENABLE_PARKING_OVERRIDE_CONTROL  // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable
//#define DEFAULT_DEACTIVATE_PARKING_UPON_INIT // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Using printable ASCII characters for realtime commands can cause issues with
// files containing such characters in comments or settings. If the GCode sender support the
// use of the top-bit set alternatives for these then they may be disabled.
// NOTE: support for the top-bit set alternatives is always enabled.
// NOTE: when disabled they are still active outside of comments and $ settings
//       allowing their use from manual input, eg. from a terminal or MDI.
//#define DEFAULT_NO_LEGACY_RTCOMMANDS // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

//#define DEFAULT_TOOLCHANGE_MODE 0               // 0 = Normal mode, 1 = Manual change, 2 = Manual change @ G59.3,  3 = Manual change and probe sensor @ G59.3 - sets TLO
//#define DEFAULT_TOOLCHANGE_PROBING_DISTANCE 30  // max probing distance in mm for mode 3
//#define DEFAULT_TOOLCHANGE_FEED_RATE 25.0f      // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_TOOLCHANGE_SEEK_RATE 200.0f     // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_TOOLCHANGE_PULLOFF_RATE 200.0f  // mm/min

Continued in next post…


Steve M. Potter’s Portable Primo Build with a Teensy 4.1 MCU plugged into Phil Barrett’s Breakout Board (on Tindie) and running grblHAL firmware
2nd half of config.h

// The grbl.on_probe_fixture event handler is called by the default tool change algorithm when probing at G59.3.
// In addition it will be called on a "normal" probe sequence if the XY position is
// within the radius of the G59.3 position defined below.
// Uncomment and change if the default value of 5mm is not suitable or set it to 0.0f to disable.
// NOTE: A grbl.on_probe_fixture event handler is not installed by the core, it has to be provided
//       by a driver or a plugin.
//#define TOOLSETTER_RADIUS 5.0f

// By default, Grbl sets all input pins to normal-low operation with their internal pull-up resistors
// enabled. This simplifies the wiring for users by requiring only a normally closed (NC) switch connected
// to ground. It is not recommended to use normally-open (NO) switches as this increases the risk
// of electrical noise spuriously triggering the inputs. If normally-open (NO) switches are used the
// logic of the input signals should be be inverted with the invert settings below.
// The following options disable the internal pull-up resistors, and switches must be now connect to Vcc
// instead of ground.
// WARNING: When the pull-ups are disabled, this might require additional wiring with pull-down resistors!
//          Please check driver code and/or documentation.

// If your machine has two limits switches wired in parallel to one axis, you will need to enable
// this feature. Since the two switches are sharing a single pin, there is no way for Grbl to tell
// which one is enabled. This option only effects homing, where if a limit is engaged, Grbl will
// alarm out and force the user to manually disengage the limit switch. Otherwise, if you have one
// limit switch for each axis, don't enable this option. By keeping it disabled, you can perform a
// homing cycle while on the limit switch and not have to move the machine off of it.
//#define DEFAULT_LIMITS_TWO_SWITCHES_ON_AXES //  Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// By default, Grbl disables feed rate overrides for all G38.x probe cycle commands. Although this
// may be different than some pro-class machine control, it's arguable that it should be this way.
// Most probe sensors produce different levels of error that is dependent on rate of speed. By
// keeping probing cycles to their programmed feed rates, the probe sensor should be a lot more
// repeatable. If needed, you can disable this behavior by uncommenting the define below.
//#define ALLOW_FEED_OVERRIDE_DURING_PROBE_CYCLES // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Inverts logic of the stepper enable signal(s).
// NOTE: Not universally available for individual axes - check driver documentation.
//       Specify at least X_AXIS_BIT if a common enable signal is used.
// #define INVERT_ST_ENABLE_MASK (X_AXIS_BIT|Y_AXIS_BIT|Z_AXIS_BIT) // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// Mask to be OR'ed with stepper disable signal(s). Axes configured will not be disabled.
// NOTE: Not universally available for individual axes - check driver documentation.
//       Specify at least X_AXIS_BIT if a common enable signal is used.
//#define ST_DEENERGIZE_MASK (X_AXIS_BIT|Y_AXIS_BIT|Z_AXIS_BIT) // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Designate ABC axes as rotational. This will disable scaling (to mm) in inches mode.
// Set steps/mm for the axes to the value that represent the desired movement per unit.
// For the controller the distance is unitless and and can be in degrees, radians, rotations, ...
// NOTE: $376 can be used to configure rotational axes at run-time.
//#define ST_ROTATIONAL_MASK (A_AXIS_BIT|B_AXIS_BIT|C_AXIS_BIT) // Default disabled. Uncomment and possibly remove axis bit(s) as needed to enable.

// Inverts logic of the input signals based on a mask. This essentially means you are using
// normally-open (NO) switches on the specified pins, rather than the default normally-closed (NC) switches.
// NOTE: The first option will invert all control pins. The second option is an example of
// inverting only a few pins. See the start of this file for other signal definitions.
// #define INVERT_CONTROL_PIN_MASK SIGNALS_BITMASK // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// #define INVERT_CONTROL_PIN_MASK (SIGNALS_SAFETYDOOR_BIT|SIGNALS_RESET_BIT) // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// #define INVERT_LIMIT_BIT_MASK AXES_BITMASK // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable. Uncomment to enable.
// #define INVERT_LIMIT_BIT_MASK (X_AXIS_BIT|Y_AXIS_BIT) // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// For inverting the probe pin use DEFAULT_INVERT_PROBE_BIT in defaults.h

// Inverts the selected spindle output signals from active high to active low. Useful for some pre-built electronic boards.
// #define INVERT_SPINDLE_ENABLE_PIN 1 // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// #define INVERT_SPINDLE_CCW_PIN 1    // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable. NOTE: not supported by all drivers.
// #define INVERT_SPINDLE_PWM_PIN 1    // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable. NOTE: not supported by all drivers.

// Inverts the selected coolant signals from active high to active low. Useful for some pre-built electronic boards.
// #define INVERT_COOLANT_FLOOD_PIN 1 // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.
// #define INVERT_COOLANT_MIST_PIN 1  // Default disabled. Note: not supported by all drivers.

// Used by variable spindle output only. This forces the PWM output to a minimum duty cycle when enabled.
// The PWM pin will still read 0V when the spindle is disabled. Most users will not need this option, but
// it may be useful in certain scenarios. This minimum PWM settings coincides with the spindle rpm minimum
// setting, like rpm max to max PWM. This is handy if you need a larger voltage difference between 0V disabled
// and the voltage set by the minimum PWM for minimum rpm. This difference is 0.02V per PWM value. So, when
// minimum PWM is at 1, only 0.02 volts separate enabled and disabled. At PWM 5, this would be 0.1V. Keep
// in mind that you will begin to lose PWM resolution with increased minimum PWM values, since you have less
// and less range over the total 255 PWM levels to signal different spindle speeds.
// NOTE: Compute duty cycle at the minimum PWM by this equation: (% duty cycle)=(SPINDLE_PWM_MIN_VALUE/255)*100
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_MIN_VALUE 5.0f // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable. Must be greater than zero. Integer (1-255).

// Number of homing cycles performed after when the machine initially jogs to limit switches.
// This help in preventing overshoot and should improve repeatability. This value should be one or
// greater.
//#define DEFAULT_N_HOMING_LOCATE_CYCLE 1 // Integer (1-127)

// In Grbl v0.9 and prior, there is an old outstanding bug where the `WPos:` work position reported
// may not correlate to what is executing, because `WPos:` is based on the g-code parser state, which
// can be several motions behind. This option forces the planner buffer to empty, sync, and stop
// motion whenever there is a command that alters the work coordinate offsets `G10,G43.1,G92,G54-59`.
// This is the simplest way to ensure `WPos:` is always correct. Fortunately, it's exceedingly rare
// that any of these commands are used need continuous motions through them.
//#define DEFAULT_NO_FORCE_BUFFER_SYNC_DURING_WCO_CHANGE // Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.

// Upon a successful probe cycle, this option provides immediately feedback of the probe coordinates
// through an automatically generated message. If disabled, users can still access the last probe
// coordinates through Grbl '$#' print parameters.
//#define DEFAULT_NO_REPORT_PROBE_COORDINATES 1 // Default enabled. Uncomment to disable.

// The status report change for Grbl v1.1 and after also removed the ability to disable/enable most data
// fields from the report. This caused issues for GUI developers, who've had to manage several scenarios
// and configurations. The increased efficiency of the new reporting style allows for all data fields to
// be sent without potential performance issues.
// NOTE: The options below are here only provide a way to disable certain data fields if a unique
// situation demands it, but be aware GUIs may depend on this data. If disabled, it may not be compatible.
//#define DEFAULT_REPORT_MACHINE_POSITION  // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// G92 offsets is by default stored to non-volatile storage (NVS) on changes and restored on startup
// if COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL is <= 1. If COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL is <= 1 then setting $384 can be used to change this at run-time.
// To allow store/restore of the G92 offset when COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL > 1 uncomment the line below and reset settings with $RST=*.

// Number of tools in tool table, uncomment and edit if neccesary to enable (max. 16 allowed)
//#define N_TOOLS 8

// Sanity checks - N_TOOLS may have been defined on the compiler command line.
#if defined(N_TOOLS) && N_TOOLS == 0
#undef N_TOOLS

#if defined(N_TOOLS) && N_TOOLS > 16
#undef N_TOOLS
#define N_TOOLS 16

// Max number of entries in log for PID data reporting, to be used for tuning
//#define PID_LOG 1000 // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

#define DEFAULT_X_STEPS_PER_MM 99.938f
#define DEFAULT_Y_STEPS_PER_MM 100.145f
#define DEFAULT_Z_STEPS_PER_MM 400.802f
#define DEFAULT_X_MAX_RATE 40000.0f // mm/min
#define DEFAULT_Y_MAX_RATE 40000.0f // mm/min
#define DEFAULT_Z_MAX_RATE 2500.0f // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_X_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 1000 mm/sec^2
//#define DEFAULT_Y_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 1000 mm/sec^2
//#define DEFAULT_Z_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 500 mm/sec^2
#define DEFAULT_X_MAX_TRAVEL 610.0f // mm NOTE: Must be a positive value.
#define DEFAULT_Y_MAX_TRAVEL 300.0f // mm NOTE: Must be a positive value.
#define DEFAULT_Z_MAX_TRAVEL 96.0f // mm NOTE: Must be a positive value.
//#define DEFAULT_X_CURRENT 0.0 // amps
//#define DEFAULT_Y_CURRENT 0.0 // amps
//#define DEFAULT_Z_CURRENT 0.0 // amps
//#define DEFAULT_A_CURRENT 0.0 // amps
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_FREQ 5000 // Hz
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_OFF_VALUE 0.0f // Percent
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_MAX_VALUE 100.0f // Percent
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_AT_SPEED_TOLERANCE 0.0f // Percent - 0 means not checked
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_RPM_MAX 1000.0 // rpm
//#define DEFAULT_SPINDLE_RPM_MIN 0.0 // rpm
//#define DEFAULT_STEP_PULSE_DELAY 5.0f // uncomment to set default > 0.0f
//#define DEFAULT_STEPPER_IDLE_LOCK_TIME 25 // msec (0-65535, 255 keeps steppers enabled)
//#define DEFAULT_JUNCTION_DEVIATION 0.01f // mm
//#define DEFAULT_ARC_TOLERANCE 0.002f // mm
//#define DEFAULT_HOMING_DIR_MASK 0 // move positive dir
#define DEFAULT_HOMING_FEED_RATE 200.0f // mm/min
#define DEFAULT_HOMING_SEEK_RATE 2000.0f // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_HOMING_DEBOUNCE_DELAY 250 // msec (0-65k)
//#define DEFAULT_HOMING_PULLOFF 1.0f // mm

//#define DEFAULT_A_STEPS_PER_MM 250.0f
//#define DEFAULT_A_MAX_RATE 500.0f // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_A_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 10 mm/sec^2
//#define DEFAULT_A_MAX_TRAVEL 200.0f // mm

//#define DEFAULT_B_STEPS_PER_MM 250.0f
//#define DEFAULT_B_MAX_RATE 500.0f // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_B_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 10 mm/sec^2
//#define DEFAULT_B_MAX_TRAVEL 200.0f // mm

//#define DEFAULT_C_STEPS_PER_MM 250.0f
//#define DEFAULT_C_MAX_RATE 500.0f // mm/min
//#define DEFAULT_C_ACCELERATION (10.0*60*60) // 10*60*60 mm/min^2 = 10 mm/sec^2
//#define DEFAULT_C_MAX_TRAVEL 200.0f // mm

//#define DEFAULT_G73_RETRACT 0.1f // mm


// Number of homing cycles performed after when the machine initially jogs to limit switches.
// This help in preventing overshoot and should improve repeatability. This value should be one or
// greater.
//#define DEFAULT_N_HOMING_LOCATE_CYCLE 1 // Integer (1-127)

// If homing is enabled, homing init lock sets Grbl into an alarm state upon power up or a soft reset.
// This forces the user to perform the homing cycle before doing anything else. This is
// mainly a safety feature to remind the user to home, since position is unknown to Grbl.
//#define DEFAULT_HOMING_INIT_LOCK // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// If homing init lock is enabled this sets Grbl into an alarm state upon power up or a soft reset.
// To allow a soft reset to override the lock uncomment the line below.
//#define DEFAULT_HOMING_OVERRIDE_LOCKS // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// Define the homing cycle patterns with bitmasks. The homing cycle first performs a search mode
// to quickly engage the limit switches, followed by a slower locate mode, and finished by a short
// pull-off motion to disengage the limit switches. The following HOMING_CYCLE_x defines are executed
// in order starting with suffix 0 and completes the homing routine for the specified-axes only. If
// an axis is omitted from the defines, it will not home, nor will the system update its position.
// Meaning that this allows for users with non-standard cartesian machines, such as a lathe (x then z,
// with no y), to configure the homing cycle behavior to their needs.
// NOTE: The homing cycle is designed to allow sharing of limit pins, if the axes are not in the same
// cycle, but this requires some pin settings changes in cpu_map.h file. For example, the default homing
// cycle can share the Z limit pin with either X or Y limit pins, since they are on different cycles.
// By sharing a pin, this frees up a precious IO pin for other purposes. In theory, all axes limit pins
// may be reduced to one pin, if all axes are homed with seperate cycles, or vice versa, all three axes
// on separate pin, but homed in one cycle. Also, it should be noted that the function of hard limits
// will not be affected by pin sharing.
// NOTE: Defaults are set for a traditional 3-axis CNC machine. Z-axis first to clear, followed by X & Y.

//#define HOMING_CYCLE_0 (Z_AXIS_BIT)             // REQUIRED: First move Z to clear workspace.
//#define HOMING_CYCLE_1 (X_AXIS_BIT|Y_AXIS_BIT)  // OPTIONAL: Then move X,Y at the same time.
//#define HOMING_CYCLE_2 0                        // OPTIONAL: Uncomment and add axes mask to enable
#if N_AXIS > 3
//#define HOMING_CYCLE_3 0                        // OPTIONAL: Uncomment and add axes mask to enable
//#define HOMING_CYCLE_4 0                        // OPTIONAL: Uncomment and add axes mask to enable
//#define HOMING_CYCLE_5 0                        // OPTIONAL: Uncomment and add axes mask to enable

// Enables single axis homing commands. $HX, $HY, and $HZ for X, Y, and Z-axis homing. The full homing
// cycle is still invoked by the $H command. This is disabled by default. It's here only to address
// users that need to switch between a two-axis and three-axis machine. This is actually very rare.
// If you have a two-axis machine, DON'T USE THIS. Instead, just alter the homing cycle for two-axes.
//#define HOMING_SINGLE_AXIS_COMMANDS // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// After homing, Grbl will set by default the entire machine space into negative space, as is typical
// for professional CNC machines, regardless of where the limit switches are located. Set this
// define to 1 to force Grbl to always set the machine origin at the homed location despite switch orientation.
//#define HOMING_FORCE_SET_ORIGIN // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// To prevent the homing cycle from racking the dual axis, when one limit triggers before the
// other due to switch failure or noise, the homing cycle will automatically abort if the second
// motor's limit switch does not trigger within the three distance parameters defined below.
// Axis length percent will automatically compute a fail distance as a percentage of the max
// travel of the other non-dual axis, i.e. if dual axis select is X_AXIS at 5.0%, then the fail
// distance will be computed as 5.0% of y-axis max travel. Fail distance max and min are the
// limits of how far or little a valid fail distance is.
//#define DUAL_AXIS_HOMING_FAIL_AXIS_LENGTH_PERCENT  5.0f  // Float (percent)
//#define DUAL_AXIS_HOMING_FAIL_DISTANCE_MAX  25.0f  // Float (mm)
//#define DUAL_AXIS_HOMING_FAIL_DISTANCE_MIN  2.5f // Float (mm)

// Enables and configures parking motion methods upon a safety door state. Primarily for OEMs
// that desire this feature for their integrated machines. At the moment, Grbl assumes that
// the parking motion only involves one axis, although the parking implementation was written
// to be easily refactored for any number of motions on different axes by altering the parking
// source code. At this time, Grbl only supports parking one axis (typically the Z-axis) that
// moves in the positive direction upon retracting and negative direction upon restoring position.
// The motion executes with a slow pull-out retraction motion, power-down, and a fast park.
// Restoring to the resume position follows these set motions in reverse: fast restore to
// pull-out position, power-up with a time-out, and plunge back to the original position at the
// slower pull-out rate.
// NOTE: Still a work-in-progress. Machine coordinates must be in all negative space and
// does not work with HOMING_FORCE_SET_ORIGIN enabled. Parking motion also moves only in
// positive direction.
#define DEFAULT_PARKING_ENABLE // Default disabled. Uncomment to enable.

// End default values for run time configurable settings


// Uncomment to enable experimental support for parameters and expressions

#define TOOLSETTER_RADIUS 5.0f // Default value - do not change here!

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Super thanks, Steve! Best, Christian

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Hi Olivier
Did you ever get grblHAL properly setup on the SKR Pro 1.2?
I am just completely out of my depth here.
My setup is pretty much the same as yours, MPCNC Primo (80x50cm work area) with SKR Pro 1.2.
In addition a BTT TFT35, a 500W China spindle or a 10W Lasertree diode laser.
I currently have Marlin running on it and milling and laser cutting works quite ok, but the speed for laser scanning is just awful, resulting in shitty pictures.
So I want to try grbl, more specific grblHAL, but porting my pin configuration (have the Laser on Heater 2 plus PB9 for TTL, also Heater 1 for the 12V air assist selenoid valve) seems very daunting, I have absolutely no idea how to even begin.
For the life of me, I cannot find a decent step-by-step to configure and compile grblHAL for my needs.
I know this topic is quite old already, but can you (or anybody else) help me a little bit?
that would be really great.
thanks a lot

Markus, For those types of questions, I have made use of the discussions and “Issues” in the grblHAL repo on Github. Terje is very responsive as are other grblHAL users. I note that they have made a Web Builder that might help you configure your firmware.


Hi Steve

Thanks for the info, I did have a look at the webbuilder, but couldnt find the settings for my special pin usage.
But nevertheless, I am now a few steps further, trying to work myself through the map.h file.
If I really get stuck, I will post on github.

Thanks again