Golden Primo First build

I don’t have a laptop so when I get up in the afternoon I will troubleshoot that connection and see if I can figure it out. I’m a complete beginner when it comes to electronics and I did a lot connections so having at least one faulty wire was probably bound to happen.

Success! Wire management is complete aside from the router cable. I think I mentioned before that I’m going to play with the pen for a bit get used to setting my paths.

I’m also not entirely sure how I want to manage the router and z cables but I’m sure I will figure it out when I get to it.


Thanks for the advice! I redid all the wiring for the Y. I tried to make sure everything was as clean as I could get it. Hooked everything back up and all is running well! :grin:

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This is the Dupont one I created

And here is a blank for anyone who may want to modify it for there needs.

Thingiverse is being kind of weird right now so let me know if you have any issues with the links.
Sorry I didn’t respond sooner I was focusing on the build.

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Thanks for the caps, but I meant the other caps. Those:

Oh! My apologies. Those are actually made by David Walling[niget2002]

This is his thingiverse post


i love my Kershaw knives… :slight_smile:

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Oh man ! Looks Great!

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Just a Boilermaker (and new to this project) stopping by to say I love the black and gold!

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Alright so I finally have a laptop that is dedicated to this machine. So my next quest is to start controlling it with the laptop. I like the idea of how estlcam works but I’m running rambo so that’s a no go. Is there anything that functions similarly to estlcam that is compatible with rambo.
Also I would like to start making proper use of my IoT relay for my router and vacuum.

You can control it using repetier host or cncjs from a laptop. Not every function from estlcam is available, but you can do just about everything. There is some more details in the software workflow doc.

If you have the iot relay from amazon you can hook it to the fan port and use M106/M107 to turn it on or off.

I already have RH so I will use that.

The only thing I have done in RH is load stuff on to an sd card. So how do I run those codes and make sure it works every time.

The software is nothing if not consistent. If it works, it will work every time.

In RH, there is a box labeled “send gcode”. You can put gcode in there and it will go to the controller. The response back will go to the console.

M106 S255 would turn it on. M107 would turn it off.

I may be mistaken, but isn’t the Rambo a better quality all-in-one RAMPS/AT2560? If so then…

I mean, It’s possible right?

Sorry I should have been more specific. Will I have to add those every time I run a Gcode or with it be a one time thing.

I’m honestly not sure this is all foreign to me. I’m just going of what I’m reading in the forums. Many people seem convinced they don’t work together.

If the estlcam firmware was open source, then maybe. But it is closed source, precompiled binaries for specific hardware and the rambo uses different pinouts and has digipots for the driver config, at least.

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First, make sure it turns on and off the router.

If that works, you can change the on/off spindle commands in estlcam and every gcode file you make after that will have the spindle on/off controlled with those commands.

Awesome! Thank you. I will give that a try when I get home in the morning or when I get up in the afternoon.

I clicked edit Gcode and this was the programs response. How should I proceed

I refreshed the program and opened the file again. It didn’t give me the same pop up.