I think it’s solved!
;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.5357
;Posts processor: MPCNC_Mill_Laser.cps
;Gcode generated: Wed Jan 13 16:11:19 2021 GMT
;Document: Roundwood Final v1
;Setup: Setup2
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
;Probe tool - Not yet implemented
;Parallel1 - Milling - Tool: 1 - flat end mill
;X Min: -125.692 - X Max: 125.687
;Y Min: -125.692 - Y Max: 125.662
;Z Min: -18.428 - Z Max: 15
M117 Parallel1 REMOVED
G1 Z15 F300
G1 X125.319 Y-124.996 F2500
G1 Z-16.112 F300
G1 Z-17.805 F500
The Z axis feedrate limiting is a big help but it didn’t solve the issue.
I removed G21 as this was giving an error code and M117 as I have no LCD.
It seems the M117 problem was allowing the machine to skip ‘G1 Z15 F300’ and screw up the following instructions. Perhaps take them individually, sending it out and down rather than diagonally. Have I got that correct?
Anyway it’s not doing it doing it so happy days.