I have a touchplate off amazon with a depth of 14mm.
So when I probe G38.2 Z-115 F300 P14, it stops at the probe, but when I look at Zw on the dashboard, it is not reading 14 like it should? In the log, it says “Probe offset applied” but it seems to be not accurate.
This has resulted in a couple of times where I have tried setting the Z0 using the above command and when I run the program, it air balls the intended cut which is supposed to be at the Z-0.5 point to cut.
I am trying to flatten my waste board and I for whatever reason cannot get it now to record the right Z0 point. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I need to instead just break it into two commands like:
I entered ? after probing and I got MPos: 0,0,-78.750, WCO: 0,0,-98.750
and then Zw was -78.750
Once I started the program, it had updated to the -0.5 like it was supposed to but it is still not cutting into the point I probed from…super weird!
In the milling basics, the start code has G1 Z10, I am using G0 Z20. Maybe i will try that? I took out the auto probing in program but maybe I will try adding it back in!
Turns out, you shouldnt try asking your new CNC to go below what it has travel for…smh. dont do like me, be smart!
The entire reason why I was not getting any lower cuts was because the CNC was bottomed out. I cannot believe that I spent 2 days trying to flatten something I could not physically flatten.
Consider this cold case closed. Thank you all for all your attempts to help this situation. This was an error between chair and keyboard.