So please forgive my ignorance, I am sure this has been talked about before, but either I cant find it, or I am not using the right lingo.
So I am following the recomendations outlined by Ryan as per “Milling Basics - V1 Engineering Documentation”
and well, let me re-iterate, I am TRYING TOO
I have used these numbers in EstleCAM, and Aspire with much success, so it made sense to me, that I should just replicate them in Fusion 360 and it should just work.
hehe, Well you dont know, what you dont know, till you try it!!
I think I have my Tool setup for using a Feed rate of 8mm per/s but well I would argue that the 134 hour cutting might not be right.
So, my question is, if I want to have a feed rate of 8mm perr second, what should my actual tool look like, or is there another setting i am not setting properly?
photo Attached.