Full MPCNC Upgrade Timelapse

I spent weeks designing and upgrading my MPCNC Primo, and I’m exceptionally happy with it. Full enclosure, HGR15 linear rails, T-track for workholding, cable chains, anti-backlash Z drive, and a Raspberry Pi for CNC.js. Start around 7:40 to see a bunch of stuff I’ve made with it. I included my feeds and speeds for most of the aluminum cuts.

I am still working on a discussion video about it, which will talk about all the design decisions, and show some of the things that went wrong and how I fixed them (like, I stupidly assumed that bare HGR15 linear rail would be as rigid as the original steel conduit). Let me know if you have any questions.

If anyone is interested in the linear rail upgrade, I uploaded the model to printables, below. I had to add some 2020/2040 extrusion to stiffen up the rail enough to cut aluminum: Printables