Frustrated w/ Fusion360 Personal Use Edition


I’ve been banging my head against the wall for a few days now, and I’m not sure if the problem is me or the #@$% Fusion 360 Personal Use software.

I created a few drawings using Fusion 360 Personal Use (F360 PU), I don’t like that everything is cloud based, but I suppose I can live with that,. What I’m getting frustrated with is trying to do anything with the drawings I created.

I want to use the drawings in EstlCAM to CNC some struts for my Lowrider 3. EstlCAM only will open a few select formats, and the only one that seems to be available on F360 PU is STL. When I try to export any of the drawings from F 360 PU, it says that it must be translated on the cloud, and will take a few minutes. 14 hours later, and it is still showing as translating (or a “Failed” message shows up after a few hours).

I looked in the F 360 documentation, and it talks about saving as a mesh before exporting, but that doesn’t seem to be an option in the PU version.

Is there something I am missing here, or is F 360 PU a complete POS?

I export sketches from Fusion 360 PU as .dxf, then load .dxf within EstlCam.

Personally, it’s usually a mix of me, and Fusion that are the problem :slightly_smiling_face:

That doesn’t seem to be an option in PU (greyed out), only the paid version I presume…

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Does this help, am using Fusion 360 PU as well… ~23:50

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F360 PU web page shows that it only supports limited export types (doesn’t specify). Odd that you can export DXF with it, but not an option for me, apparently.

Yeah, File menu export is limited for PU.

But even for PU, you should be able to right click on Sketches in the object browser graph on the left side. Right click context menu options should have a “Save as .dxf”


Okay, it seems that it’s not F 360 PU that is a @#$% POS, but me!

Yes, there is a “Save as DXF” (not export) option when R Clicking the sketch. Didn’t see that in the many “help” pages I browsed so far.

Many thanks, kind sir! You have restored my faith in Autodesk!

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Cool, looks like you found this menu option…

One unexpected POS behavior to be aware of is that I’ve noticed this menu option isn’t always displayed. Sometimes I need to exit sketch mode, and deselect the sketch (i.e. select some other random object/body/sketch), then select again, or maybe not, maybe right click on Sketch that isn’t selected already to see the Save as DXF. Just click, curse and bash the keyboard with meaning a few times, try out various combinations of sequences and you should see the menu option, probably… :man_shrugging:. Cheers!

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That is possible, because I am pretty sure that I had looked there previously and didn’t see it (or it could be aged related cognitive decline…)

Now that sounds like me!

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Maybe it’s hard because your are a dog. But hey, I’m a mole with a hammer. :yum:

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One other trick I use quite often so that the .dxf is cleaner if you are using it in Estlcam or vcarve is to extrude your sketch profile, create a new sketch and then project the model on the sketch. Otherwise it will bring in any construction lines or other features in the original sketch. That said, I am starting to use Fusion CAM more to eliminate this step, but it is a lot more complicated than the alternatives.

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