FreeCAD_cam - tool change set up problems

does anyone use freecad cam to generate gcode?
I have a problem with setting the tool change, it seems that $HZ is not recognized in the program.
I use grbl PP in Freecad

When I adding

I get an error

and after removing from snippet “Z home” line then the program is happy

any suggestion?

I haven’t tried FreeCAD CAM but $HZ (and anything starting with $) is FluidNC specific and not a GRBL command. It seems that it must be trying to parse it.

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that looks like it would be possibly a macro, is that in the documentation? I had not yet seen that!

So that is definitely in my searches for $HZ and I believe it to be only for fluidnc, but as I stated, I had not yet seen that.

I will have to try that when ever My frozen tundra warms up and I can stand to be in my garage!

That’s the normal FluidNC tool change code from the V1 documentation. It just seems that FreeCAD doesn’t like the non-GRBL commands.

Worse, because if I replacing $HZ for #define HOMING CYCLE 0 (1<<Z AXIS) (grbl homing) it’s doesn’t working either

Right. I believe it requires some kind of code change to work with FluidNC. I’m not sure if that’s to FreeCAD or the GRBL post processor.

You are probably right, i think something should be done one FreeCAD side because grbl should support the $H command.

Oh boy. I tried to take a look at how to use FreeCAD CAM and there’s quite a learning curve. I doubt I’ll be using this over Estlcam anytime soon.

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:wink: I’m from F360 (and recently onesape) and this two are similar. Estlcam is harsh for me :smiley: but mor important it not support stl files so i have to use FreeCAD

do you think manually placing snipping (tool change) to gcode (generated from FCAD) will work?

Estlcam does support stls.

So, I think i have some learning to do :smiley:

Shame it’s not available on Linux.

STEP too?

Don’t think so. :slightly_smiling_face:

UPDATE :slight_smile:
Kind of working but not working.
STEP support is really bad, it does everything for you but not good at all. You have 0 capabilities to change

main goal - tool change
manually put the code (modified code from the website) in NC files

(Begin operation: tool change)
(Path: tool change)
(tool change)
(Begin Custom)
(1turn off pin 27)
$HZ (home Z)
G0 X10.000 Y10.000
(1turn on pin27)
(End Custom)
(Finish operation: tool change)

Code need to be like this to be able to back to the workpiece

$HZ (home Z)
G0 X0.000 Y0.000 (powrot do poczastku wspolrzednych)
M0 (zatrzymanie maszyny)
G38.2 G91 Z-110 F200 P0.50 (Probe set thickness)
G00 Z35.0000 F500 (Clearance)
M0 (MSG remove probe)
