Fourth axis with Estlcam, is it possible?

I am using a Nano based Estlcam controller and I don’t see how it is possible to add a fourth axis.
Are there any work-arounds to this problem?
Maybe adding an extra board could be one way, but how would Estlcam address that?
I know I could use either the X or Y axis to control the fourth axis, but then the full functions like machining a side and turning it around to machine some other side while needing X and Y and also the fourth at the same time.

I haven’t seen estlcam able to generate 4 axis CAM. Maybe I missed it though.

I have seen people swap the Y axis with a rotary axis. You have to be creative with the steps per mm so the bit follows the outside diameter of the workpiece.

I can also imagine manually adding G1 A180 F300 between sides. But the controller would have to support an A axis. I haven’t ever used the estlcam firmware.

swapping out an axis is only doing half the job and can only be used for rotary work. To do four that is working on flat surfaces there needs to have both X and Y axis to work properly with also a rotational axis.
I thought that maybe a couple of pins could possibly be reassigned to give another axis, like the two output pins that although are very useful could be replaced with manual switches to do their jobs.
If Estlcam can’t do this, then I may have to think about using Mach3 instead as it can be done easily with Mach3. I guess with a bit of thought I could have two controllers that I can swap out and use both systems individually because I would not be using the fourth axis on a daily basis.
I have Mach3 already that I use for my CNC plasma cutter, so it wouldn’t be too hard to make up a system that I can change the cables over from one controller to another.

After doing some searching on YouTube, I found this video that would suggest a good work around.
It uses one axis to do the rotation so that would be good for round jobs, but it also has a division plate that would allow the normal X and Y to be used and manually move the part around to what angle is needed. I would make one using aluminium rather than plywood, but I guess that plywood may be good enough if only used ever now and again.

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