Forum workshop to inspire creativity

Leave it to us site users to miss a link visible on every page! It’s how people are… :slight_smile:


For a while now, I’ve been thinking I’d like to invite someone (or multiple ones) on the forum who are expert at a given topic, to have a video call with me, as an interview for my YouTube channel. The same thing could work for this “Forum workshop” / “V1E Creators Conference” type thing. The Discord software is free, and everyone involved pays for their own internet connection and is hopefully in possession of either a phone camera or webcam and mic, etc.

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Maybe create, under the voice channels area, something named “Creator Workshops” or some such?

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General should work it does not stay or get recorded. You have to do that on your end I believe. I was part of a large meeting on discord for OpenSauce and they recorded it and posted it the next day.

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My own experience of this thread is a good (and a little unfortunate) confirmation of the asynchronous nature of our community. Waking up there were 18 unread replies on the topic, and the day has been busy - so I haven’t had the time to respond properly.

Well - a few thoughts. Last things first:

Discord - yeah, it would be great to meet up and chat, show projects and just hang out! We’ve talked about this a few times already, but nothing has materialized. What about setting up a poll to find a nice hangout time?

The workshop, some suggestions:

What about “The quarterly v1e workshop” ? Or just “The v1e workshop?”
(each quarter also has it’s own hashtag/topic)

Own category here at the forum.

One “workshop holder”. Can also (together with Ryan) be a jury for some sort of prize. Doesn’t have to be voted upon, but just a recognition of a great process/piece/educational value/etc etc. The criterias can be agreed upon before the workshop schedule is started. The workshop-holder can also chose the next person to have the responsibility for keeping the workshop going and all things to it.


I personally would skip the incentives. A badge for showing up once is as far as I would go (at least at first). The people I want to chat with will be there without it or can’t make it.

The reward is the experience.


Perhaps we could make a draw between all the participants? No jury drama or competition, just the chance of receiving something nice for contributing to the workshop.


Actually Matt Stulz who was Prusa’s Community guy and is now with Lightburn, used to run (or maybe still does) a Friday session, which pretty much chopped out “the rest of the world”.

Then he started a second to match an EU timezone, which “almost” worked for me.

If someone can find a magic time that’s not between 10:00PM and 4:00 AM in Australia, that would be nice!:smiley:


Hang on. Who owns server Id: 703759331333505055 then?


Interesting…not ours.

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I’ll summarize my feelings:

  • Asynchronous +1
  • Prizes (competition) -1
  • Brainstorm/collaboration +1
  • Discord, live chat -1
  • Regular monthly/quarterly -1
  • Ad hoc +1

Basically this means an ad-hoc unofficial brainstorming session where one person seeds the problem statement and loosely commits to building the thing. Others may build or they can just give input. Discussion ensues. Learning ensues.

The downside to this is that it is not really different from some existing patterns, so then what is the point? Maybe seed the project with two people minimum, both of whom loosely commit to building?

It could start as: “anyone want to build the perfect plywood bar stool?” And if a second person agrees then everyone gives their opinions on the design and at least two get built.


If only at least a couple people get together for an interview/discussion that’s videoed, others who cannot be on hand can watch and comment anytime they want.

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I can’t find that server.

The real one or the hookie one?
It looks like the fake discord server admin is registered here but hasn’t been on since 2020. They haven’t posted on the discord since 2022 either…

@ryan I can post an invite link to the real discord server there if you like?


the fake one. I’m a mod on the real one.


Sure, that sounds like a good idea.

holy cow, they’re active there!

We did have that for inlays at least three times. :smiley: But I am also looking forward to good tips and tricks. :slight_smile:


Bring back the Inlays!!! I need to learn that one!! LOL

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That works really well for shallow inlays. You start the cut for the plug a little deeper basically, beyond 0. The technique I wanted to try for deep inlays (5-6mm for cutting boards) does not work regrettably (and would have made it really, really easy), because Estlcam can’t do negative offsets in carves. :frowning: