If you use V2 this is not an issue and the reason we do not recommend V3 yet. Also there are some issues with 3.8.2 and recommend 3.8.0 as well as V2. you kinda went whole hog on off the beaten trail.
I don’t mind being a test subject. I just wish I had your level of knowledge and expertise. I’m really dumb when it comes to computer inner workings. I’m an Experienced user without the detail knowledge
Using cnc right now. UI shows it is disconnected. As long as I don’t try to reconnect it will finish the 2D cut I’m making. It stopped twice prior to beginning the cnc machine.
I think 3.8.0 is the safe version right now. Otherwise, the bug with the save macro ($CD=config.yaml) is going to cause problems. If on 3.8.1 or 3.8.2, you should really update config.yaml manually and upload.
Ok. Shutdown, restarted to captive portal, came up as msftconnecttest.com to the dashboard. If I understand it right I need to redirect it to Done…
Up and stable so far. I’m going to leave it running to see what happens. Past action was for it to loose communications and come up with a restart screen. If I were running the cnc, the program would continue until completed. I would have to restart by closing down the UI.
Up and running. UI fairly stable with an occasional message that FluidNC needs some help but it no longer disconnects. The message disappears after a few seconds and everything returns to normal. I have had the cnc only stop once and need to be restarted.
No problems with any pop up windows asking if I want to stay connected unless you mean the pop up I referenced above.
I have abandoned trying to use 3.8.2 with V3. it is too unstable for me. Switched back to 3.8.0 with what I thought was V3 but it comes up with the V2, I think, without any macros and looks like the original UI (I’m assuming V3 is what I had been seeing when i tried 3.8.2…nice!). I’ll probably try to get that UI back again using 3.8.0.
For now mostly stable. The Jackpot/esp32 keeps on trying to load the captive portal and I just ignore it. Either or Fluidnc seem to work just fine. Will be using the CNC more the end of next week on three projects I need to finish. That will be the next test