Fluidnc board

Adding a note here, as I’ve just priced out the stuff for my lowrider build. Sometimes folks might assume sourcing from Ali is way cheaper. And surely sometimes it is. But here, I find a complete TinyBee (with drivers, etc) on AliExpress for only ~$30 less than the jackpot sold in the V1 store. For this delta, IMHO, it’s a 100% no-brainer to buy from V1 directly - the purchase gives some minor support to the project, and it’s the “most supported way”.

Also a hidden benefit is Ali is ripe - or more accurately flooded - with knockoff silicon of very hit-or-miss quality.

Obviously the OP had some shipping/customs to deal with, but I thought it was worth adding this here so folks make sure they really price out the tradeoff.

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The thing is, if you live outside US, the Jackpot’s is wayyyyyyyy higher with the shipping and taxes (and yeah, you pay taxes on the shipping too…)
eg. for France, that’s 65$ for the Jackpot + 45$ shipping + 20-30$ taxes (depending on your luck with custom’s process) = 130-140$ for the controller…

An MKS TinyBee with the 2209s is 45-50$ shipped …

For US customers though, it’s a no brainer, buy the Jackpot and support the creators work, of course!

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I’ll try to make a picture when I clean up my controller from dust

Thanks a lot for the configuration file and wiring diagram. Working well for me. I had to change the pin2 to 17 for the laser due to there was a positive signal when power on the board. Can you tell me what software you are using to prepare Gcode for this board. I was using Light Burn. The software works well with wifi connection to the board but some Gcodes it produce are not supported and the MKS tiny bee panicks or halts operation while the laser is on and burning the wood like a coal.

I’m using lightburn too
Never had a problem with it…

I can check my LB config when I get back home from vacation

Sure, Thanks in advance.