Flash Memory Size

It’s backwards!





Did I make you think about it for a second??


I was pretty paranoid I was going to do that so I triple checked.

Looks good.

Put some kapton tape or nail polish or silicone over the resistor leads to insulate and secure it.

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I discovered a new benefit to installing Fluidnc with the V1 ESP32 8MB. I was able to upload a 2MB file in STA mode without any errors!

It isn’t in a release yet but there was a pull request completed to the main branch recently that may resolve that issue on standard ESP32s.

I haven’t tried this yet but I am sometimes getting low memory warnings since I switched to the 8MB ESP32. But I’ve been messing with a bunch of stuff so I need to check some things out before being too concerned.


I just saw that Bart is preparing 3.7.18 for release on Github.

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How can you tell?


What timing.


I need to start testing this one soon.

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I saw fluidnc-releases listed in the repos. It showed v3.7.18.

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That could have been luck, or just timing, or maybe things are slightly better.

I tested this quite a bit back in the 3.7.10-12 range, and could not get reliable large file transfers, and OTA would fail more than not, even with the V1 ESP32.

I do suspect the situation will be much, much better in that area going forward. I’ve been watching those changes and waiting for 3.7.18.

Not only is the WiFi going to be better, there will be a bit more memory to play with as well, which should keep us a little better out of the danger crash zone, I think


I flashed and am running a 1:30 job right now, no issues so far. Going to update the DOC’s with this as the recommended after the cut finishes. Also update the file transfer section after I test that as well. I have been waiting for this one as well.


How did your test run go?

Can we get a build that supports the full V1E ESP32 flash as some kind of baseline starting with 3.7.18 ?

Test went without any issues.

This release already frees up a bit of extra memory.

Currently, there is no easy way to get a custom firmware in the web installer. To use the rest of the memory, you will need to compile and flash outside of the web installer.

Replace this section in the platformio.ini file.
Would posting the edited version of the file in your github make it easier Ryan?

upload_speed = 921600
board_build.partitions = FluidNC/ld/esp32/app3M_spiffs1M_8MB.csv  ; For 8Meg ESP32
board_upload.maximum_size = 8388608 ; For 8Meg ESP32
board_upload.flash_size = 8MB ; For 8Meg ESP32
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
monitor_speed = 115200

Here’s my edited platformio.ini file:
platformio.ini.zip (2.1 KB)


I need to update the Jackpot page again. I should probably just like this post directly, and add that info under “advanced”

Thank you so much

jackpot8m - easy for me to search and find this keyword when I update the page.



I seem to remember that previously being in the high 70s or low 80s. If so, that’s a pretty significant improvement.

Also looks like we need to add a setting to each stepper, homing_amps: 0.8…I need to test it Monday

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I added the info to the shop page for the V1 ESP32