Amazing… This looks great.
Could you please share some details on the workflow?
Easey peasy. I first take whatever file they give me and get it “ready” for engraving. This sometimes is as simple as converting to a vector to as complex as redrawing the entire image myself.
for this project I received this image:
the image is relatively clean and converted over to vector pretty nice. only major modification i had to do was adjust the bottom yellow stripes. As you can see in the picture there is green inbetween the two yellow stripes. If I attempted to do this with inlay the walls between the two inlays would be very thing, so i take a little “artistic” freedom left the inbetween black as you can see in the above picture.
once thats done I get ready to carve, 95% of my engravings are carved to a depth of .125, but when I do inlay i try to go a little deeper, this one I went to 3/16th instead.
i try to carve any large spots with spiral bit, but in this one where the letters are sticking up I had to carve that entire area with a vbit (i could of modified the design, but sometimes i just let it go and take the time hit)
once the carve is done its pretty simple. i mix up some epoxy ( i get it from home depot, could get it cheaper from amazon…but i dont…“plan” well lol)
I used some expoxy dye to get the colors as close as i can, i use this stuff currently ( seems to work pretty good.
Then i usually use a cheap plastic syring (medicine style) to fill in the spots, and use a toothpick or popsicle stick to “encourage it” to flow to other areas.
after that you just protect it with your life for the next 24 hours becuase your cat likes to walk on it in the middle of the night…
if that doesnt help , let me know, i can take some pictures of the steps next time (i got 2 more of those ordered)
Thanks, this helps
I really need to try carving soon. More pics would be great
That looks really clean. Are you doing anything like a vacuum to reduce bubbles in the epoxy?
Blow torch from.a distancd or heat gun takes the bubble right out. Honestly when the torch does it it’s mesmerizing.