First try with a surface bit

Can someone please give me a TLDR for how you do it or a useful link? I am too stupid to understand it… You glue it to the spoilboard and can remove it afterwards?

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Thanks, I watched that yesterday and all he does is complain about blue tape and glue, doesn’t he? Plus, we don’t have that blue tape in Germany. I have to do a little googling what Germans do. :smiley:

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It is painters tape. The blue is sort of a broken brand trademark. It used to only be 3M that had blue. Now there are generics and frog tape that is green.

You are just gluing two pieces of tape together. The tape is easy to remove and doesn’t leave residue. Duct tape would be a bad choice because it would leave residue on your boards. I am sure there is some orange, or green, or hot pink painters tape your painters use. The paint department at your local hardware store will know what to use.

We also have white masking tape that was in heavy use in the 1980s. The blue stuff holds stronger and is easier to clean up.

This guy is complaining but a) he is pitching a product he links in his description :roll_eyes: and b) he is not using it for hold downs, he is using it for templates. It feels a lot like those late night informercials where someone can’t open a can, so they pay 19.95 for two solutions to be in a color world (this might be a deep US reference, but it is irresistible).

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Do you have Masking tape in Germany? Same thing just not blue. I agree with Jeff. Blue tape = Painters tape


We do have this white tape, but it sucks really, really hard and has got nearly no holding power, but we actually do have frog tape! Might try it for smaller pieces that the vacuum table won’t hold down. :slight_smile: Thanks! :heart:

/edit: And yeah, I know those commercials from memes… :sweat_smile:


Frog tape should work just the same


Blue tape is actually less tacky than masking (white tape). But it works well when it is used in this manner. I would be concerned frog tape may not release. It is commonly called painter tape too as the adhesive was made to release without residue.

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… and now “Weird Al” Yankovic is singing “Mr. Popeil” in my head.

Oh no! Now how am I gonna make my OLD vinyl car top look like NEW?!

@Tokoloshe it looks like you guys have a yellow tape version in Deutschland.

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Never seen that before. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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