I finally got everything assembled and was able to run the crown test:
I think it it looks pretty decent for a first try. I did notice the Rambo board makes a high pitched whine/whistle/electricity leaking noise, is that normal?
I finally got everything assembled and was able to run the crown test:
I think it it looks pretty decent for a first try. I did notice the Rambo board makes a high pitched whine/whistle/electricity leaking noise, is that normal?
Good crown!
The noise is from the board or the steppers? Steppers tend to make a little noise but not usually the board.
Nice Crown Dave! I am green with envy that you are drawing crowns and I am reprinting C parts. Gratz on the successful build.
In regards to the noise I have a question. Allted would the TMC2130 improve anything in the MPCNC other than stepper noise?
I’m not a fan of them for a CNC.
Yeah found a thread by Jeff, and he made some very valid points in regards to CNC aside from being quieter they don’t really help and when cutting/vacuuming the steppers are not all the high on the list of noisy things.
Okay, I got CNC.js up and running and tried another test after loosening some of the bearing bolts. Next up is building a table.
Nice Zelda drawing man