First Build!

Nearly all parts are printed (only 2 missing, but printer is down at the moment), just waiting for my stainless steel tube to arrive on Tuesday.

I plan on starting with a drag knife, then testing using my Dremel-clone. If all is successful I will upgrade to a Chinese 0.8 KW spindle.

In terms of electronics I’ve got a CNC-Shield with an Arduino - for now.

I also opted to use 9mm GT2 belt, hoping it will be a bit stiffer than the 6mm variant.


Any input/thoughts?


Let us know how it goes and what you had to change. The LR uses 10mm belts. There was one person who accidentally got 10mm, but I dont think they kept them.

So far, so good. Assembly went rather smooth, just a small problems with the holes in the Z-brackets being a little on the small side. Nothing a Dremel couldn’t fix :smiley:

First test with the pen went rather well I’d say :slight_smile:

As for the 9mm belt: All I had to change was to use two instead of a single bearing for the belt guide. I got lucky and could still use the M8x65 screw. As for how much it helped with the rigidity, I’ll have to see and test :slight_smile: