Firmware Update No Connection

I’m trying to update the firmware on my Jackpot using the browser based tool. I get to the part where I connect the USB cable and hit “connect” and the connection window just says “no device found” or something similar.
I have tried it on 2 different computers (Win 10 and Win11), 2 different USB cables (both data), and have tried it both in and out of the jackpot board. The controller works fine otherwise and I have updated it previously with no issues. Any Ideas?

No com port showing in the chrome installer window?

Restart the computer unplug any other USB devices that you can.

No, there wasn’t

I’ll try that tomorrow. Thanks.There were no other USB devices plugged in.

If restarting doesn’t work is the OTA method mentioned on the Fluidnc wiki reliable?

Did you install the CP2102 drivers as mentioned here?

I had to do that otherwise it didn’t recognize the ESP32.

Yes. I did install them. I have updated with the Win 11 PC previously with no issue.

Yes in the way that it either works or fails. It should not mess anything up.

Not sure why that is not connecting anymore, that is bugging me. I have genuine and super generic ones and that has never happened.

Did you have a slicer software opened up? I have had that happen when I had cura opened in the background. It would grab the com port before anything else could. Once I closed cura no problems at all. Not sure if the other ones do that too or not. Ive learned to just make sure they are all closed before I plug it in.

Also make sure you have a good DATA usb cable and not just a charging cable. Those things should be banned.

It’s possible on the Win11 pc but not on the Win10. I’ll try the restart tomorrow and see what happens. I did use good quality usb data cables.

I updated today using over-the-air via wifi (the yellow cloud button) from 3.7.12 to 3.7.16 and it worked fine. When it asks for a file give it firmware.bin.

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So, I was able to install the firmware today on the Win10 PC by updating the CP2102 driver. Not sure why the Win11 one won’t work since I’ve used that one previously. But all is good now. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.