So…starting to feel like today is a day that the universe is telling me to step back and work on something else.
Found the old files for the mount and reprinted the parts that broke. They only need to last for this one last 25 minute job…but…there’s no kill like overkill so printed them with 6 perimeters and 60% infill in PETG.
The originals were in PLA and it was a PLA that wasn’t quite as bad as the black my initial MPCNC parts were printed in…but wasn’t too far away. It was from a manufacturer who’s no longer around because they got such a bad reputation. It was their impact modified PLA that I got in their filament of the month program. And Other than the table feet were the only parts on the machine still in PLA.
After the new parts finished printing I went back over to the old shop and brought the tools I’d need to swap them out. Started to do so and…
Well crud. I kind of knew I should have printed that part as well just in case.
I hadn’t even tightened it up yet…didn’t even realize the nut had made contact. But I guess 9 years of vibrations, heat cycles, and the occasional machine crash finally took their toll
So…back at the new house and waiting on a substantially longer print - which may or may not even succeed since I’m a little wary of how much is left on that spool. My other spool of PETG doesn’t have much more left on it though so doesn’t make sense to swap. I could print it in PLA…but it won’t print any quicker and while it may be a little stiffer it would still be mounted to a PETG mount on the machine itself so it’s not like it would make that big of a difference. And with the potential heat of the tool I’d rather go with PETG anyway.
But…with the same 6 perimeters and 60% infill I’m looking at 6 hours on my Mk3S and it’s already 3:30 so the chances of me giving this another go today are slim to none.
Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have better luck. Think I’ll go play in fusion and keep experimenting with ideas for the combined workbench/CNC table I was hoping to start this afternoon but don’t feel quite as rushed about now