Finally back!

Two years ago I built a MPCNC

Then I accidentally bought a house, packed it up and forgot about it for two years.

This weekend I was able to build a table for it and plug it back in. Surprisingly, it was ready to go. I tightened the belts, squared it and drew a new crown.

This machine is so durable.

Edit: Let me know if I am missing anything major. I feel pretty caught up, but it’s hard to know everything that changed. I upgraded to the new Marlin. Still running ramps, but upgraded from A4988 to DRV8825 drivers.

I have nema17 steppers, but they are only 63oz. It looks like 73oz is recommended. I wonder if I will run into problems.


Here is my table

and I wired some outlets up so I can easily power the arduino/ramps and vacuum/router

The feet were starting to crack, so I am printing the new ones. They look way more durable.


Looking good!
If you want an idea for an awesome upgrade to your system, (to automatically turn on/off the router and vacuum), this lot relay is the best thing I’ve gotten so far for my mpcnc, and I love it!
All I had to do was:

  1. Wire it up to fan0,
  2. Add M106 to the Program Start setting on Estlcam
  3. Add M107 to the Program End setting on Estlcam

Presto, no more switching vacuum and spindle on and off!



Nope, you will be fine!

Congrats on the renewed build!

Nice table. Looks a lot like the first one I knocked together.

Do you know how to change EstlCam to not start at Z0? Like what if i want to start at Z1 so when the spindle turns on it doesn’t mar the material if its not perfect

Just move z-axis to z=1 before starting the spindle
I think you can add in the start gcode (CNC program settings/Program start) the command G0 Z1 before the command to start the spindle…