(Larry C)
January 25, 2025, 10:58pm
I’m having trouble figuring out why my gcode file won’t run. Still learning the machine, but I’ve reformatted my SD card, restarted FluidNC (several times) and reloaded a file that does work and the new file and regardless of what I do, the old file works fine but the new one does nothing.
The only thing I’ve done new this time is set X0 to a mid point on the machine, then G92 the axes. I don’t think that has anything to do with it because the older file works fine from that location.
Both files were created in EstlCAM, though one was on 12.114 and the new one on 12.119. The gcode from each file to the first move line are below. I don’t see anything that would mess up the file.
NEW file that does not move the machine
(Project Ver 2 Les Paul Junior Back Cavity - with cntrl holes)
(Created with Estlcam 12.119)
M03 S18000
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000 F2100
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 1 Hole machining: Hole 2)
G00 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 Z2.0000 F2100
OLD file that works fine
(Project Neck rotated - short CL-frets_CL-inlays_tuners)
(Created with Estlcam 12.114)
M03 S24000
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000 F2100
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 1 Engraving machining: Engraving 30)
G00 X64.7216 Y55.6207 Z2.0000 F2100
Does anyone have experience with this type of failure?
1 Like
(Jonathan Jones)
January 25, 2025, 11:14pm
The only thing I am seeing different is your new file has X moving to -74.*** But I am not sure if that matters to FluidNC or not. Someone smarter than me will come by soon and see whatever it is I’m sure
(Jason Yeager)
January 25, 2025, 11:41pm
Do you have soft or hard limits set?
Does it throw an alarm?
(Larry C)
January 25, 2025, 11:55pm
You might be right. My assumption was that I could set X0 to any point in its travels so I could cut to the left or right of X0. I did this for reasons of symmetry of the guitar body blank so I could flip it after the first set of cuts on one side and line it up with L/R and Bottom alignment line on my spoilboard. I went through great effort to line up the zero point in EstlCAM on the object’s centerline the exact same distance from the object on both the front EstlCAM body file and the back body file. I guess I over estimated what EstlCAM and the CNC can do.
(Jason Yeager)
January 26, 2025, 12:06am
You can definitely move negative with FluidNC. That’s not the issue.
1 Like
(Britt Percival)
January 26, 2025, 12:08am
In your config.yaml, do you have soft limits set to false?
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 12:14am
Yes. /axes/x/soft_limits is set to FALSE. Same for the Y: soft_limits=FALSE. Is that what they should be or should I set them to TRUE?
(Jonathan Jones)
January 26, 2025, 12:23am
I thought so but I wasn’t 100% sure and that was the only thing I saw different in his gcode. Thanks for clearing that up!
(Britt Percival)
January 26, 2025, 12:37am
False is what mine is set to.
I know Fluidnc can move in the negative direction because I often set the origin in Lightburn to be the center.
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 12:57am
Well, for fun I re-set the zero point in EstlCAM to the lower left, like all of my previous projects, so there are no negative X-axes movement commands in the fist line of the gcode (I realize this has already been discounted but I wanted to try anyway in case there is another config setting that might act up in this case). No difference. It still won’t run, yet the older file still works.
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 1:09am
I tired a gcode file I made at the end of December from the same Estlcam project file with just a few tool path changes and a slightly shifted Zero point. It ran fine:
(Project Ver 2 Les Paul Junior Body front)
(Created with Estlcam 12.119)
M03 S18000
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000 F2100
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 1 Pocketing linear: Pocket 4)
G00 X180.3449 Y472.5956 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F480
Any other ideas on what might be going wrong would be appreciated.
(Jonathan Jones)
January 26, 2025, 1:11am
Can you attach the entire gcode file to the forum please?
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 1:20am
There’s three files, but none of them work. Here’s one of the three:
(Project Ver 2 Les Paul Junior Back Cavity - with cntrl holes)
(Created with Estlcam 12.119)
(Machining time about 00:18:10 hours)
(Required tools:)
(1/4" Long Shaft Mill)
M03 S18000
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000 F2100
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 1 Hole machining: Hole 2)
G00 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 Z2.0000 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F480
G01 Z0.0000 F180 S18000
G01 Z-4.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-8.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-12.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-16.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-20.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-24.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-28.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-32.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-36.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-40.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-44.0000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G01 Z-45.1000 F180
G02 X-77.8786 Y86.8478 I-1.2971 J1.5015 F800
G02 X-75.2779 Y89.0945 I1.9489 J0.3726 F800
G02 X-74.6326 Y85.7188 I-0.6518 J-1.8741 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 2 Hole machining: Hole 1)
G00 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 Z2.0000 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F480
G01 Z0.0000 F180
G01 Z-4.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-8.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-12.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-16.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-20.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-24.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-28.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-32.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-36.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-40.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-44.0000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G01 Z-45.1000 F180
G02 X-77.6679 Y148.4940 I-0.0399 J1.9839 F800
G02 X-74.2317 Y148.5632 I1.7381 J-0.9574 F800
G02 X-75.8899 Y145.5527 I-1.6982 J-1.0266 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 3 Pocketing linear: Pocket 2)
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 Z2.0000 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F480
G01 Z0.0000 F180
G01 Z-4.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-3.5000 F480
G01 Z-4.0000 F180
G01 Z-8.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-7.5000 F480
G01 Z-8.0000 F180
G01 Z-12.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-11.5000 F480
G01 Z-12.0000 F180
G01 Z-16.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-15.5000 F480
G01 Z-16.0000 F180
G01 Z-20.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-19.5000 F480
G01 Z-20.0000 F180
G01 Z-24.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-23.5000 F480
G01 Z-24.0000 F180
G01 Z-28.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-27.5000 F480
G01 Z-28.0000 F180
G01 Z-32.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-31.5000 F480
G01 Z-32.0000 F180
G01 Z-36.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X-65.9284 Y80.1144 F2100
G00 Z-35.5000 F480
G01 Z-36.0000 F180
G01 Z-38.0000 F180
G01 Y154.6412 F800
G03 X-68.7859 Y157.7533 I-10.0551 J-6.3648 F800
G01 Y77.0024 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y75.4015 I-7.1292 J9.3745 F800
G01 Y159.3541 F800
G03 X-74.4696 Y160.0653 I-4.2480 J-10.9109 F800
G01 X-74.5009 Y160.0689 F800
G01 Y74.6867 F800
G02 X-77.3584 I-1.4288 J11.9267 F800
G01 Y160.0689 F800
G01 X-77.3959 Y160.0645 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y159.3541 I1.4268 J-11.6167 F800
G01 Y75.4015 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y77.0023 I4.2761 J10.9836 F800
G01 Y157.7532 F800
G01 X-83.0839 Y157.7453 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y154.6412 I7.2087 J-9.4692 F800
G01 Y80.1143 F800
G01 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 F800
G02 X-88.2305 Y86.4296 I10.3289 J6.5429 F800
G01 Y86.8695 F800
G01 Y148.3187 F800
G02 X-63.6288 Y148.3261 I12.3009 J0.0109 F800
G01 Y86.4369 F800
G02 X-86.3326 Y79.8585 I-12.3005 J-0.0153 F800
G01 X-85.9309 Y80.1143 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
(No. 4 Pocketing linear: Pocket 1)
G00 X-88.7884 Y160.8180 Z2.0000 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F480
G01 Z0.0000 F180
G01 Z-2.5000 F180
G01 X-88.7873 Y73.9352 F800
G03 X-85.9309 Y70.4863 I12.9111 J7.7856 F800
G01 Y164.2693 F800
G02 X-83.0734 Y166.2838 I10.0192 J-11.1780 F800
G01 Y68.4717 F800
G03 X-80.2159 Y67.2858 I7.0864 J13.0389 F800
G01 Y167.4700 F800
G01 X-80.1979 Y167.4755 F800
G02 X-77.3584 Y168.0233 I4.2276 J-14.2791 F800
G01 Y66.7322 F800
G03 X-74.5009 Y66.7323 I1.4283 J15.1681 F800
G01 Y168.0234 F800
G01 X-74.4721 Y168.0208 F800
G02 X-71.6434 Y167.4699 I-1.4177 J-14.8149 F800
G01 Y67.2856 F800
G03 X-68.8276 Y68.4490 I-4.2412 J14.2546 F800
G01 X-68.7859 Y68.4718 F800
G01 Y166.2839 F800
G01 X-68.7580 Y166.2689 F800
G02 X-65.9284 Y164.2693 I-7.2017 J-13.1929 F800
G01 Y70.4863 F800
G03 X-63.0709 Y73.9376 I-10.0445 J11.2249 F800
G01 Y160.8185 F800
G01 X-62.6615 Y161.0618 F800
G02 X-60.4543 Y152.9805 I-13.1920 J-7.9452 F800
G01 Y81.6748 F800
G02 X-91.4051 Y81.7751 I-15.4756 J-0.0104 F800
G01 Y153.0808 F800
G02 X-62.6615 Y161.0618 I15.4756 J0.0152 F800
G01 X-63.0709 Y160.8185 F800
G00 Z2.0000 F480
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 F2100
(Jason Yeager)
January 26, 2025, 1:30am
That gcode looks ok assuming you are zeroing the machine manually and not in gcode. The feedrate in the G0 commands is ignored but that shouldn’t cause an issue.
What version of FluidNC are you using?
How are you running the files? From the WebUI or something else?
What are you doing before you run the files? Are you homing first? Then jogging to the start position? You mentioning using G92. What exactly are you doing?
What do you mean by them not working? What is the status? Is there an alarm? What output is in the terminal?
After you first turn it on, what is the output of $SS?
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 2:16am
I run FluidNC off my iPhone 15
Per $SS, FluidNC is v3.9.1 and it is compiled by “…SDK: V4.4.7-dirty”
After turning on the Jackpot board, I home X, Y, and Z throuhg the phone FluidNC app. The most recent set of files with the EstlCAM Zero point set to the left/bottom, I don’t move X or Y. In the case of the first failed file, I move X to about 200mm on my spoilboard. In both cases, I then manually lower Z to where I want it to home - just above my work piece. I then run the following code from my iPhone:
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
Then I identify the file I want to run on my SD card in the Jackpot within FluidNC and press start.
I’ve been doing this for each of the 6 or so projects I’ve made successfully and it works today for older files that worked a month ago. I know I probably don’t have to run the above code since the same code is in the gcode, but I’ve been doing so with no problem for the couple of months I’ve been learning the machine.
None of the currently created files referenced earlier run, but month old files do run. When something fails, I restart the Jackpot and start over so that each print gets the same routine. However, I have tried to run one of hte old files after “starting” a new file, and the old file works perfectly.
When I try to run one of the new files (e.g. the one I posted above), there is nothing in the dialog box. “Won’t run” means nothing at all happens on the machine or in the dialogue box.
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 2:27am
I solved the problem. FluidNC does not recognize “-” in file names. I tried renaming one of the failing files to simply “test.gcode” and it ran fine.
I’m sure that little caveat on file names is posted somewhere but I’ve never seen it, but now I know.
Thanks for everyone’s time and energy trying to help solve this.
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(Jason Yeager)
January 26, 2025, 2:47am
Interesting. I can run a file with a dash in the filename without an issue, but it does make sense that the filename could be an issue. Since it’s not giving any error, I suspect that it’s the WebUI that has the problem, not FluidNC itself. I have some vague memory about a WebUI encoding issue which would have made characters like spaces an issue, but that was resolved. I can use dashes and spaces in filenames without issue, but that’s on the latest WebUI v2 or v3 using Chrome on Windows or my Android phone.
(Larry C)
January 26, 2025, 3:05am
To be fair, I don’t yet know if it was the dashes, spaces, file name length or some combination. I did have a long file name with 2 dashes and at least 6 spaces. I plan to test naming limits tomorrow. I use descriptive file names so I need to know the limits of the WebUI or FluidNC.
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