Figure this out!

First estlecam file. row with my name and a pix of a fish. Name carves ok but fish is upside down?? redo file with fish printed in file upside down and everything carves OK. estlcam preview shows all ok first file and fish upside down in second file that carves correctly?

sounds fishy…

What software did you use to create the original graphic file? when it was created, did you mirror the fish part in the software? Just wondering if this was what happened, I wonder if the graphic export didn’t redo the path data and just put in some sort of invert flag. I’m just guessing, I have no idea how graphics software works internally, just seems like something that could happen.

Sounds like a bug in Estlcam. Can you post the fish file (appears correct but carves upside-down)? Like Tim said, might be some sort of transformation in the file that Estlcam is dropping.