Feed Rate in FLUID NC

I have question about the settings in Fluid NC

in the pic from set up page it shows XY 1800 mm/min and Z 900 mm/min,
is that correct? I did not change it and mine defaults to 1000 and 100. It is like watching paint dry it is so slow. I’m currently using an 1/8 endmill with manufacturer spec of 60 mm/sec. 1800 mm/min figures out to 30 mm/sec, half of what I can go. Just looking for advice and not blow anything up.

I think the defaults are normally 2400 for XY and 1200 for Z. Mine is currently set to 4000 XY and still 1200 Z.

It still won’t let you go higher than the max defined in the config. It looks like those values are 9000 for XY and 1200 for Z in the default config.

Either way, you’re not going to hurt anything.

Well I double checked my setting in ESTLCAM, had CNC in mm/sec, changed that to mm/min see that makes any difference.

Also, since I am an hour into this cut, can I pause the program, change the feeds and resume? Or better to ride it out

Oh, the settings I was referring to were the jog feedrates. I didn’t realize you were running a job.

Changing those values in the UI won’t do anything for your currently running job.

I think I’d need to see a video to understand how slow you are going. 30mm/s is faster than I go in wood on my LR3.

Can you post your gcode file? If it’s going absurdly slow, it might be that the feedrates are in mm/s but in gcode they need to be in mm/min.

In Estlcam, I have this so it displays as mm/s in the app, but mm/min in the gcode.

This is what i just changed, both were set to mm/sec. And after i read your first post i realized that i was asking about jog feed rates. Thanks for the help.

Ha, so you really meant this. Sounds like you’re going at 30mm/min instead of 30mm/s. So, half a mm/sec.

Not sure how much it’s going to help, but you could try increasing the feedrate with this button: