Extending BTT TFT35 V3.0 to SKR Board

Does anyone on here have any experience extending the cables from the BTT TFT35 V3.0 Screen to the SKR Pro 1.2 Board.

I have a larger printer size for the V13DP V4 and am wanting to mount my screen externally, however the provided cables with the screen are way to short, and moving my board location closer is currently not an option.

Are there any extension that will work for the grey EXP1 and EXP2 cables that i can outright buy, or am I going to be making my own cables. I do not have a lot of experience with this type of ribbon cable connector

Before I moved to Klipper I had to extend the cables on my V4. I did away with the EXP1 & 2 cables. I only used touch screen anyways. The TFT cable is just standard Dupont connectors. You can build you an extension cable for that no problem. That what I did

I have done a lot of dupont connectors, so not worried about that…

What do i loose by removing the EXP1 and 2

The marlin side. The old school part of the screen.

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There is lots of talk about klipper, is it that much better than marlin (lots of opinions online). Also I know that klipper is run off of a second board, usually as raspi, but is that only controlled via wifi connection, and not able to run from a screen?

You can run something called klipper screen now. Won’t be able to use that tft35 you have but the screens are real nice!! Personally for me I prefer klipper on a 3D printer. Once you learn your way around it’s super easy!!

you gain the touch functionality, but lose the marlin mode menu setup. In klipper, you can use the marlin mode screen, but not the touch functionality since klipper supports 12864 lcds, so if you did extend them it would work in klipper.
