EVA foam armor

Another piece


Some decorative straps


Please post the finished piece(s). It’s been a few years since I tried cutting EVA foam using a router. I think I got my best edges using burr bits rather than fluted bits. If you are going to be doing a lot of EVA foam projects, a laser cuts it exceedingly well (darker colors). And, as easily as it cuts, you don’t need a very powerful laser.


Welcome in, and I love seeing some foam. It definitely is not a common item around here, please keep sharing what you learn.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll check out burrs down the line. I’d love to get a laser eventually… someday

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The trick to foam I’ve found is to move as fast as possible with the lowest RPM’s you can manage. When we were building my sons boat. I was cutting at 50mm/s at 1" DOC in EPS. I probably could have gone faster. Only problem is that if you start to melt the foam it reshapes your cutter and starts making jaggies. Maybe an air assist would help.

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So just be careful to do research. I almost cut vinyl with my laser and found it to make hydrogen chloride gas.

Not sure what the foam is made off. but surely did not expect something like vinyl to possibly kill me.

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I can’t remember if I was using a single, so 2 flute when I tried cutting foam mats.

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ethylene vinyl acetate. It’s mostly harmless. There’s a little formaldehyde in it but generally considered safe.

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Okay, the plastic itself might be considered safe, but what about products of combustion?

Vinyl itself is safe, heck it’s even safe for food storage, but burning it (or cutting with a laser) is definitely not. The fact that there is vinyl as one of the components there makes me think that laser cutting this stuff might be a very bad idea…

At the very least I would consider this as “Use a well ventilated environment, and stay away from the smoke.”


According to this eva is not chlorinated so good to go, but one reply stares venting is Necessary.


For the record - when the day eventually arrives that I get a laser (someday, probably in the distant future…), I fully intend to have it in an enclosure and have it properly vented. I already have some respiratory issues, so I try to be very diligent about fumes. :grin:


Now that I’ve got some parts cut out, I started doing some assembly -


This is pretty slick. I really need to have a look at how to do sth. like that, I’ve got 4 kids that like dressing up. :smiley:


Wow. Nice.

Was wondering. Would a drag knife not work to cut the foam? Obviously detail would be routed. I use my drag knife to cut vynal. It’s a bit small for Eva foam but there is designs on thingyverse that use a utility knife blade.

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In some cases, yes, a drag knife would work. In this case though, I don’t think it would work very well. The foam I’m using is 8mm thick shore 60 hardness - it’s a pretty thick, hard foam. It can be cut with a knife, but it takes a significant amount of force. But a nice sharp endmill cuts through it like butter!

I have some other pieces of foam that are thinner and more pliable, a drag knife would probably work really well. At some point I’ll experiment with those.

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Front and back both glued up. I put the straps on the front to test the fit. Still have a long way to go, but it’s really starting to come together. Next steps: seam filling, sanding/smoothing, and using the heat gun for some final shaping. Then we get to my favorite part - painting!


Looks awesome!

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That is crazy!! Foam, wow

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No major updates, but I have made a little progress. I did some shaping with a heat gun. In retrospect, I should have done that before I started gluing everything up. Some of the seams took a lot of work to get aligned and had a lot of stress.

Once the contact cement was fully set, I took a carving bit in my Dremel and beveled the seams a bit. In the future, (once I get my tool changes fully worked out) I’ll use one of my v-bits for this. Then I started filling the seams and gaps with EVA foam clay.

The clay is really interesting - it’s lightweight, easy to work with, but it gets SUPER sticky when it gets wet. I would roll out some real thin “worms”, then take a paintbrush and brush some water into the seam. Next, carefully press the clay into the seam, then wet my finger and really work it in and spread some of it out.

I gave it around 24 hours to dry (the box said 48, but I can’t help my self), then went over it with a 320 grit sandpaper. The clay sands pretty well and I was able to smooth it out a bit. However, I very quickly found out that 48 hours wasn’t a suggestion, and there was still a fair bit that wasn’t cured.

I did a little more gap filling, cleaned up some messy spots, and I’ve now put both pieces in another room so I won’t be tempted to mess with them.

I’m hoping to start on the helmet in the next day or two, so I might have some new stuff to show off soon.