European group buy of jackpot boards

Okay, final interest check here, this is the breakdown of the pricing:

Total price for 10 boards, assembly and shipping to my house from jlcpcb:

240 eur, before VAT 
+ 50 eur VAT (in spain VAT is 21%)
+ 20 eur minimum donation to @vicious1 
320 eur total

Price per board: 32 Eur 

This boards would then be in madrid, spain so shipping adds to that.

I don’t have any of the mcus or anything to ship, I think those should be easy to source from withing eu, but if you want me to buy some that would be another 4-6 eur at least (i’m guessing from the last time I bought them)

The price is climbing fast and I’d like confirmation before ordering since it’s a significant amount of money to commit.
Please @here check if the pricing/hassle makes any sense to you guys and confirm the exact number of boards we’d need. Also maybe after that we can check if an order from @vicious1 might make more sense since you might not be saving that much in the end.

On monday I’ll check here and make the order if it makes sense

I am in stil for one board.

me too

Just do a search they always have them sometimes you just need to change manufacturers. That part is a bummer they could make it easier but I cut and paste the description in the search bar and something usually pops up. Every single order have to swap different components.

That search is on the BOM page where you have to confirm you do not want to place anything in the mounting holes.

I’m still in for one board

Great initiative and effort! Unfortunately, since Norway is outside of EU, VAT and shipping will make it just as, or even more expensive than ordering from Ryan…

Don’t need one now as I managed to source an Skr pro board.

Okay, here’s the boards that I’ve confirmed we want:
@Slite *1
@kockie-nl *1
@Roberto_de_Vet *1
Me *2

I’ll put the order for 5 boards and update you guys with what they actually take to have here at my house, and then we can talk about shipping them and stuff.

Ryan Do you have a link for esp32 boards that have usb c and external antennas? If it’s aliexpress I might be able to do it

I have used a few different sources. These should be good,

Okay @here, the boards arrived!!
I’ll be setting up a quick test-bench with some steppers and some switches to test this, but they seem perfect and look great!

I don’t think I’ll have the time to provide the esp32 boards so you will need to find your own, sorry for that (some stuff going on in the family).

I’m testing with the one recommended by @vicious1 and It’s working great

This is currently the breakdown of the price of the boards:

145 Eur 5 board order 
+ 20 Eur minimum donation to @vicious1 
/ 5 
= 33 Eur per board

This is all, I’m not really getting anything out of this but that is fine by me, if you have any extra cash do send it to @vicious1

I was thinking of ordering at least the touch-plate from the original v1e shop (since it’s so small and cheap it should’nt be a big deal to send right?)
Maybe we can order 5 and also support ryan that way? If he sent them to me on an envelope I could add them to the board shipments.

What are your thoughts?

Sounds good to me, I would like a touchplate.

Even the envelopes are only $4 less expensive to ship, so that will still be a $30 ship charge I think.

I like the idea to support @vicious1 , but don’t like to support the shipping company. I’d rather send the money directly to Ryan in return for the fabulous designs he made and for this forum.


Great that the boards arrived so soon , but a have no interest in the touchplate, have one already :grinning:.

Okay, so would everyone be okay with giving 55 Eur as donation to @vicious1 instead of making things any more complex? :rofl:

I’d invite everyone to make their own donations regarding the overall machine designs.

That would bring the cost per board to 40 Eur,
Please remember that I cannot include the TMC2209 or the ESP32 with the boards.

I’ll probably finish testing them this week and send them next week! Please PM me with your shipping details and I’ll update you there with the final cost.

I appreciate the thought but I am just happy you are getting to try the board out for less than me shipping it! Don’t add more to it just for me, $2/board is all that is asked.

Okay, so I’ve been able to test the boards and they all seem to be perfect!

This week I’ll be sending them to you guys @kockie-nl @Slite @Roberto_de_Vet (on friday morning more precisely).

Please @kockie-nl PM me your shipping details so I can send you the board.

I’ll send you the prices of the shipping and full price of everything in the PMs.

That is awesome, thank you for doing that.

I just finalized a PCBway option if this happens in the future. That should help with shipping prices. Probably still need a group buy to get the prices down a bit.


The silkscreen on the pcbway version did not seem to be as good as the ones I get but it should still be legible.
