Estlcam with experimental Arduino Mega2560 / Ramps 1.4 support

It’s on PC

Yes, port is there

I’ve installed arduino 1.8.2, it had put it’s own driver for that port.

I use same computer for updating firmware on 3D printer and everything works fine on that

You might have gotten a bad arduino. I am fairly certain you can actually flash the bootloader on there, there are a few to choose from if I remember right. It has been a long time.

I’ve read during the day that arduino probably came without bootloader and that it has to be burnt on

Problem is, I have to buy the thing that I need to use to burn bootloader onto Arduino and wait for it

Fortunately, a friend of mine has USBasp and USBtinyISP programers so I had the chance to check the mega board
Unfortunately, my Arduino MEGA board is dead!

Yet again, fortunately, friend keeps few spares at all times so I borrowed new mega and ramps boards (took new ramps just in case it turns out mine is defective and caused first mega board failure)

Estlcam firmware uploaded with no problems.

Hopefully, I’ll test it tomorrow

Christian recommends using 1600 steps what would mean 1/8 stepping on the drivers.

Any reasons why is that better than 1/16 or 1/32 stepping?


1/8 is usually a good compromise but you can try 1/16 and 1/32.

[li]The more steps / rev the less noise and resonances the motors create.[/li]
[li]But also the more step pulses need to be generated each second.
Depending on feeds and distances per revolution this may exceed Estlcams limit at higher settings.[/li]
[li]The differences between 1/2 1/4 and 1/8 are significant but beyond that the additional gains are usually rather small.[/li]
[li]So I recommend 1/8 as it is already quite smooth but usually still well below Estlcams 160kHz pulse limit.
But just try and see what works best - Estlcam will inform you if the limit is exceeded.[/li]


@ Christian
Thank you for the fast reply!

Hi, Christian! Great job! Gute Arbeit :slight_smile:
I have a question to you. I run a configuration with RAMPS 1.4 and a Chinese spindle DC 0-100V (controlled by potentiometer connected directly on the spindle power box). I wonder if you have a spindle speed control solution by Estlcam. Thanks and respect.
Milan Kovar a.k.a. Tormans


yes and no:
Estlcam has PWM support - but only on Arduino UNO / Nano - not on Arduino Mega / Ramps.

The PWM signal can be converted to a 0-10V signal most controllers use to control speed:
[attachment file=34257]

(In case there is no dedicated 0-10V input you can remove the potentiometer and connect the output of this circuit to the former center connection of the potentiometer (and don’t forget to connect GND) - but first make sure the potentiometer actually has 0-10V range)


Thank you for the quick response, Christian. I did not want to hear this JEIN, but I believe you will also think about how to use any AUX pin on the 2560 / RAMPS. And in connection with other project development plans, I have one more question - are you planning a version with a graphical display connection?

Hi Chritian and thanks for the schema. However, I don’t understand the symbol with 5k on the right side. Is that a potentiometer ?


Yes - it is necessary to adjust the output to precisely match 0-10V

And I’ll just drop this video here - it shows how to make a slightly more complex 2.5d part with Estlcam:


I have the middle jumper on my z axis, have 800steps/Rev set. 1.41 distance/Rev just like Ryan shows for the settings. I’m using the threader rod. When I manually jog the z axis 20mm, estlcam reads it as 161.75mm.

Iv tried lowering the distance to what would make it read correctly (.18mm) but I get the frequency warning. What is the proper settings for z axis?

1.41 and the 800 steps? Using DRV8825 drivers?

Yes, I am using the DRV8825 drivers. I figured out what the problem was. The frequency warning adds all 3 axis together. I couldn’t set the z axis to the proper distance per rev because the x and y axis feedrates were too high (90mm/rev) After I lowered them to 60mm/rev I was able to set the z axis properly.

Kind of goofy that I didn’t realize all 3 axis were calculated together.

I would like to machine an object from two sides and I have an .STL file of it

I choose block machining in Estlcam and I choose the endmill with trochoidal milling enabled but it doesn’t use it.
When I load the program for machining it shows all moves as straight lines.

Can trochoidal milling be used when block machining is chosen?
Should I enable it somewhere?

Thank you!


trochoidal milling is only available for 2D / 2.5d jobs - not 3D.
3D combined with trochoidal milling would create ridiculously large and timeconsuming programs.


What steps are needed to use e0 and e1 as second x and y axis. Thank you


you don’t need to change anything:

E0 is always secondary X and
E1 is always secondary Y



Thanks for a great program Christian!!