EstlCAM docs need updating for Select step

I’m finally at the point of creating the test crown from gcode. I’ve never worked with CAD/CAM before, other than slicers for 3D printing, so this is all 100% new to me.

The current docs for the Primo walk us through selecting in EstlCAM, but the select function does nothing as the documentation describes. You need to select a layer from the layer list (View → Layer List → click on the layer you want to work with) before the Select tool is usable, after which point the rest of the docs seem to take us through normally.

The grid size section has also moved, and the setup/CNC program sections look a bit different. Those last parts could use the update for visuals, but for someone like me who’s following the docs as written and doesn’t have the context to dig further, that Select tool part is an instant “I can do nothing further” blocker.

I’m not sure how forking repos works when it comes to making changes - that’s also a bit prohibitive, if the idea is to allow the public to make changes. I know, that’s out of scope for CNC building, but it’s a bit of an intimidating factor which is stopping me from just making changes myself.

The Docs are a little outdated and are being worked on I believe. The forum here is the best Docs you can get. Post up any question you have and a number of us will jump right in and help in any way we can.

For your very first crown draw with a Pen try this…

You don’t have to put that in Estlcam, its already done and ready to go. Move your pen to where its touching the paper at the bottom left corner of where you want to draw and hit go. Be sure to post up a pic when its done!

He’s already done the crown.

I’d recommend you download Estlcam V11 first, it’s the version all the instructions are based upon. It should work with your key for 12 as well.