ESTLcam (1) paste offset? Editable? (2) apply move to duplicate?

I am looking for two bits of info, and have a couple of questions. 1) what is the offset for copy and paste? Is it editable? 2) is there a way to apply a move/flip/rotate, etc, to a new duplicate of the original instead of the original?

Hey Doug, I regrettably don’t understand your first question. You can either tile a part (if you do that, you can edit the distance on the left side) or you can copy paste it. You can rotate all the copied parts by clicking mirror/rotate etc. and then clicking the copied part.
Or did I misunderstand sth like, a lot? :slight_smile:


I don’t try to do that in EstlCAM, but rather in the CAD program that will output the DXF file.

I’ve been through the EstlCAM menus a few times looking for stuff, mostly unsuccessfully. I just punt and do that kind of thing in the CAD.

You might check with the developer to see if you can get that information.


Thanks, however, it was not geometry/art (however complex) that I sought to duplicate, but rather a complex setup of planned cuts and tabs.

I had already tried tiling before asking. I was surprised to find a shocking force of lack of precision. I saw ESTLcam help videos where moves of cuts were positioned with precision of 2 decimal places. I tried tiling with a precision of 3 decimal places, and watched as it changed the entry to a whole integer. I was in the midst of a “cut recovery” effort, and thus I needed precision so existing tabs already cut, in the real world, would not get eaten away anymore than necessary with the already not-quite-precise homing to re-try process.

I also tried the “copy and paste” process, but it seems to have a default “offset” where it places the duplicate, and in my efforts to “manually” find out what that offset amount is, I was surprised that it does not seem to be an even integer number of millimeters. I searched through various preferences and settings tabs looking for the offset or a way to edit it, but came up empty.

I eventually “brute forced” the effort, which took more time than it should have! :laughing:

Thanks, guys, for replying!

Ah, that makes sense. But didn’t you save your program before? Then replicating it would not be necessary.

While most Estlcam visuals have two (mm) or three (inch) decimal palaces, Estlcam uses numbers with up to 16 decimal places. For user inputs I’m guessing at least four (G-code default) decimal places is doable. I’ve only used/confirmed three in a couple of places, but I would be surprised if tiling to three decimal places wasn’t possible.

To move paths select the paths to be moved before clicking the Move tool (DXF after).

You can check position repeatability by switching between project/rel and machine/abs coordinates using the abs and rel commands (abs diff). Probing speed (and hardware) will affect accuracy.

FWIW (because I don’t know the whole story), Estlcam always remembers where the project origin is. Unless Estlcam throws an error, machining can be resumed (at any line in the G-code) after going back to the edit screen and making changes or additions, even after restarting the machine, without homing or touching off.

…four decimal move confirmed

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I had saved it. I should’ve clarified I was doing a combination of cut recovery plus cut modifications.