Endstops working sometimes

Hey so I have a weird issue where my dual endstops are working some of the time but not other times. Ive already checked with m119 that they trigger correctly and they do and like I said the weirdest part is when I homw each axis sometimes they all home correctly and sometimes none do they just bump into the end and keep trying to push past

  1. Make sure that each endstop is correctly paired with its motor. Having Y1 stop on the Y2 motor side may work if both trigger at the same time, but if one is before the other, and they are wrong, the one trigger stops the wrong motor, and the other trigger never happens, because the motor that could trigger it has stopped moving.
  2. The SKR Pro 1.2 sometimes has trouble with the stops. The LEDs light, but the pin still reads logic low. M119 will tell you that the stop is still open though.
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yeah M1119 shows all the stops as triggered ill double check the wiring but like I said it correctly stops some of the time im assuming its the skrpro 1.2? if so what would be the solution to that?

The easiest solution is to pop off the indicator LEDs for whichever axis is not always working. Or you can add a pull-up resistor to that input…if the board is faulty.

If it is just a bad connection, some tape will fix it.

This fixed it for me. I added the 1.5k Resistors to my wiring.

Specifically, Dan is talking about which of the dual endstops is with which motor. Maybe you have the motors swapped or the endstops swapped on one axis.

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