End Stops install

I am just about finished upgrading my Primo, bigger area, jackpot board and end stops. For wiring, are most soldering the wires to the switch or is there a connector I can pick up? Also, what bolt size do I use to mount the switch, it is smaller than anything I have on hand.


M2.5 x 12mm



To elaborate on @Michael_Melancon’s answer a bit- If you are good at crimping and have proper tooling the 2.8x.5mm female spade terminal that is linked will work and is what Ryan recommends.

If you aren’t good at crimping and don’t have proper tooling then are you good at soldering?

You should chose what you’re better at.
You don’t want bad connections… Workmanship of solder or crimp is the major reason the connections are (or are not) reliable.


I soldered mine.

Thanks for the info.
There are what appears to be blue heat sinks, idea where to put those?


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What if anything goes on X1/Y1 ? I have my wiring harness connected to X0/Y0/Z. Or am i missing something?
I see where end stops go, what is “probe” for?

your primo has 5 motors. one for each of the red labels. there is a motor at each end of the X and Y axis to move it. X0 is at Y minimum and X1 is at Y maximum, Y0 is at X min and Y1 is at X max
each motor has an endstop except z, which has the probe where you clip the clamp on the router bit and then drive the z down until it hits the touch plate.

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So do i direct wire from each stepper and not use the 3 way wiring harness? That’s what i currently have

Yes, each motor has to have a separate stepper and endstop.


The harness was used a few years back because the MPCNC didn’t use auto squaring and five driver boards were less common (my first one had 3 and a harness as well). Now every stepper gets his own driver so we can auto square.

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Well thank you all, I do appreciate the “Brain Trust”
Now going to use my Rambo 1.4 till my parts come in from Ryan, I too all the wires loose without paying attention. My only question is, for the LCD do the cables matter which one is P1 and P2.?

EXP1 to P1 and EXP2 to P2 ??

And how does one flash the board? I did not have end stops before, if I remember correctly have to flash the board for that?

Got everything wired up, not end stops, and ran a test with the pen. Series of squares and circles decreasing in size. Circles look almost perfectly round and the largest square is out about 1 mm at 8 inches. I’m hopeful that will be corrected with the end stops. But good enough for what I’m doing now. Thanks to everyone who helped.