Easy Enclosure

I came across this project a while back, and have been having it open in a tab on my computer for a while just so I don’t lose it.

Since there are a lot of building building different custom things here, I though I’d pass it along.

It’s a site that let’s you enter some dimensions and parameters and generates a custom enclosure for you.

I haven’t actually used it for anything personally yet, but looks useful.


That looks pretty neat! Would be awesome if you could slide a model from grabcad to it and it just auto make everything. But I think that’s big wishful thinking lol. Still looks like an easy way to make something simple! Thanks for sharing!

Whoa that is pretty slick.

Just bookmarked that- it looks super useful. Thanks for sharing it.

Looks like a nice start. If it produces a base .STL that I can modify in Fusion (Or Tinkercad) if weird things are needed to add to an enclosure it would be a great start