E-Brake for Belted Z axis

This is pretty easy to do in klipper. @Michael_Melancon sent me this video on it the other day that explains it real well. And even with the relays being 24v that shouldn’t be a problem. I can use a spare fan or heater pin to run the relay. That will allow it to not drop as soon as power is applied back.

Thinking about this just from a power failure point. sure the break catches it but if its just a quick blip then as soon as the power comes back on your relay is released and the beds falling just as it would without the brake. Does marlin immediately engage the motors on startup? The one printer I have still on marlin doesn’t for sure but its an old version of marlin and things could have changed. I know klipper doesn’t engage them right away.

It was mentioned before in the other thread that the brake had to be off when the drivers powered up or they would go into fault. If this is the case then this brake wont work from what I can see. But if it is not the case then I think its great as long as we power it from the board and not direct from the power supply.

Or when it tries to home but the connection to the X endstop wasn’t secure so it senses a problem and disconnects from the mcu… yeah that happened today. Luckily without the glass on there it didn’t fall as hard and no magic smoke. Connection has been fixed now thankfully.