Dust Hose. Dissipative vs Conductive?

One day static discharge would bring a lot of noise and probably fire.

Working with pvc (also pvc dust collecting system) and woodworking.

Lets discuss, what would be minimum workable antistatic level (such as 10E 5 to 10E 8), or maybe its better to go with conductive hoses.

It seems no reason to use conductive without good grounding. Dissipative feels like more universal solution, but what antistatic level is really required?

I don’t know anything about these different levels. They all sound pretty expensive. I have had electronics go belly up from a good static shock. The solution I have seen is to run a copper wire inside the hose and ground it at one end. Or just get the flexible hose with the metal spine, and ground one end.

Expensive? safety precautions are written in blood

I did a lot of research when installing my dust collection and for the small amounts PVC pipe is fine. For the bendy parts I’ve got an anti static hose

what level? antistatic or conductive ?

I thought we were talking about saving some electronics. I thought the fears of exploding dust collectors were myths.

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They are…unless they suck up the fire your CNC machine starts :grin:

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