I like that idea. Mind has a track on the inside, but the only thing keeping it in is the tension from the pipes. This seems like it’s a good idea too.
And Ryan, if you want to use any of my ideas, you can pay me in free design work. You’ve got quite a few credits already built up.
Wow!!! love the tracks using the big box off the shelf parts!!! I live for alternative uses for parts that can be picked up any time at almost any big box store. Amazon and eBay are worthless when its 9pm Friday night and, like me, waiting for UPS or the mail to maybe show up Monday morning just does NOT cut it!!!
Anyway now that the Holidays are over and the pressure is off to get gifts made I’m going to go ahead and give the dual end stops a try.
Looking forward to the headache! Other than what has been laid out in this thread are there any resources that might help one get through the process of figuring it all out and working through the kinks with a little more ease?
The eeprom can be a headache, remember to clear it if you change firmware. I am a little surprised it doesn’t work without it (at least until a restart).
Is there a dual endstop firmware available for the mini rambo with the lowrider somewhere? Also, Can a touch plate still be used? (I believe the Y max would still be available, can marlin firmware support that?)
I realize this is an older tread. Can someone tell me what these rails are called in Greg Sherwin’s post? I have some, but not the connectors. I think they would work really well. Currently working on a MPCNC. [attachment file=86059]
Thanks for the quick reply. I picked up my stainless tubing Friday, it cost more to have it cut, so I bought 40’ welded seam for $120. It will be enough for both builds. Just started the assembly.[attachment file=86078]
I have just about everything working with my dual endstops. My movement is all working properly. When I home X and Y they home properly. When I home my Z positions only the side with the Z Max (right side) moves but the one on the Z Min (left side) doesn’t move.
All of the Steppers are working correctly for “Movement” using my touchscreen, it is only the one Z stepper when Homing that is not working.
I am using a MKS GEN L V2.0 board with a MKS TFT 28
Any Suggestions? I was thinking I tried just about everything with the config settings but maybe I missed something. I also hooked in a MKS GEN L V1.0 and was seeing the same issue.