Dual Endstops Enabled in Marlin

Hi Everyone. I just finished building my primo. I bought the SKR PRo board pre-flashed from Ryan about 3 weeks ago. Does anyone know if dual endstops are enabled in the firmware that was pre-flashed on my board or will i need to update the firmware?

If you see the brain number somewhere, it will be 515S, 515D, or 515DL. S is for series, D is for dual MPCNC (dual x and y). DL is for dual low rider (dual Y and Z).

The version is printed on the screen, or you can query it with M115.

Unless you specifically request it, they come with 515D, I think.

It is really easy to change it, if you have the wrong one. Start with MarlinBuilder releases. Then follow the instructions on the skr pro doc page.

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@dlhilemanjr , Ryan has gone to dual endstops as the default so you should be good as long as you select MPCNC firmware when you placed the order.