Dragon's Lair Arcade Cabinet 2.0 (Back At It Again.....)

While I wait on my board to be repaired… I thought there would be no better time than the present to give my Ms Pacman a little facelift. The joystick was completely worn out. They have a centering grommet in them that keeps them tight, and playing correctly by keeping it from drifting. 41 years, I figured it was time to replace that. AND, while I’m in there let’s go ahead and rebuild the control panel completely.


After a freshly painted control panel, and new control panel overlay & new marquee:

A little goes a LONG way on making these things ‘pop’ again. But if you think THAT looks good, check THIS out.

New Buttons, joystick has been rebuilt, new marquee, new control panel overlay, and brand new Pink T-Molding. It was my wife’s idea, but I tell ya, it was a very good one. Now I just need to replace the glass with newly screen printed artwork and she’s gonna be gorgeous again!

OH. Snap… Look how messy my cats are… LOL Funny how their food bowls actually closely match the Ms Pac blue lmao They’re gonna be hungry when my Centipede Cabaret is sitting in their food bowl location. :smirk: