DIY Gifts For Young Kids!

Download the printable GAUGE DIALS: Printables


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How to print the gauge dials in two colors like I did (white for base, red for needle and marks):
In Cura slicer, top menu, click on “Extensions” then “Post Processing” then “Modify G-Code” then “Add a Script” and choose the script named “Pause at height” and enter 0.9 mm, or if you are selecting based on the layer number, then it will depend on your layer height in your slicer settings. My layer height was 0.3 mm, so for layer number I entered 3. Check mark the options to make sure your motors stay engage, your heat stays on (tell it a temp), and to get a beep at the pause. When the print job pauses, then unload the white filament, load the red filament, and then resume the print job!


That’s very cool I am making some fun Xmas stuff as well on my lr3.

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O.k. now take some of the cheap esps that Ryan has and make working gages and horns for them :slight_smile:
Oh and maybe lights and turn signals tooo!