Display causes crash

As of yesterday, I can no longer use the display. If I do, I get a crash after startup and turning the knob a couple times.

Everything works fine if I just connect to Repetier host. Nothing has changed that I know of. I have even held off on applying Windows updates just to avoid any issues.

I’ve had the machine working for the last year or so with only user errors to overcome :). So hopefully this is just a display gone bad.

I have the Rambo board, dual end stops, all electronics/wiring and motors purchased through V1.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the error I get in Repetier when the crash occurs, a photo of the board mounted in the enclosure base that shows wiring (with a bugged in backup power supply I was using to troubleshoot), and a copy of the log when Repetier connects to the board to show firmware version.

Let me know what else I can provide or if you think I just need a new display. And thanks, in advance, for any insight you can lend. I did search for this issue and saw another thread but it didn’t go anywhere.


Google found this

I’m not sure what that means. I don’t have any yellow or blue cables. And this just started happening after restarting the router. Up to that point, it worked fine so I don’t know how switching cables would be the answer.

There is a little button that says “STOP” on the display. I think if you press that, it will do the same thing.

That is just a simple button, the board is looking for low voltage on that pin and the button does that. My guess is that it is usually fine, but something is different and either something is shorting, or there is enough interference to cause it to trigger.

Double check the wiring, make sure there isn’t any junk or dust on the pcb of the screen. Separate the screen wires from other wires that make a lot of noise.

As a last work around, we could probably figure out which pin is that stop and cut it.

So I guess I put that in there for you to go to that string of conversation, it was this that I saw in there

(Yes it is a faulty board. Bought a new one and it is working fine now.)

It is in the middle of the back and forth. 2 people had bad boards, I am not sure what board it was. Whether the lcd, or the controller. You could reply to their conversation, and see if they reply.

What I find very interesting though is that the logs in your pic show M80 is an unknown command.

Did you remove any cards (Sd) and try booting?