Dimension Troubles


i’m just finished printing my parts. At first let me say i’ve calibrated my printer. A 20x20mm XYZ box comes out at around 20,02 each side.

I’ve printed the F Burly version 25mm

I just found out during assembly that the Z_lower and Z_Motor are very very thight fit. The Conduit barley fits into the holes and they open up a lot, close to break. is that intended? I measure the diameter and it’s about 24,6mm my conduit is exactly at 25,0.

Also the Rollermount and Roller. They fit exactly into each other but with the conduit theres a 2mm gap between them.

The same Issue is with the Top Corner and Bottom corner. Without the Spacer Corner they would fit but the conduit has no pressure, with the spacer corner they have about 3mm on each side air. also the conduit doesn’t touch the small rounded edge on the bottom corner which is intended for the conduit i think.

Any ideas what this could cause?

I Also have a little problem getting the center square, once i push the z axis in its angle opens up, backside of the toolmount direction.


Correct dimensions on each axes just confirm your steps per mm are correct. Print a very large cube and measure the diagonal distance of the edges to verify your machine is square and true, this is the most common issue with wonky fitting parts. You can also try and verify it with a good hand square by checking all faces against each other.


There are a lot of things that can also depend on slicers and your settings, most prints never require any sort of accuracy like these do. In the end if the parts fit and do not break you should be okay.