Designate Start Point and use Holding Tabs for Cutting Path

Is it possible to set a Start/End Point for a cutting path in Estlcam while also having Holding Tabs on the same cutting path? Every time I try to set a Start Point for a cut and then try to also set Holding Tabs for the same path it deletes the Start Point.

If I try it in reverse and set the Holding Tabs and then try to set a Start Point it negates all of the Holding Tabs that I had already defined. I’m hoping there is a simple order of operations that I’m defying, or maybe a modifyer key trick or something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t have an answer, but I am watching in case someone else does.

I can replicate the bug (?), but don’t have a solution either.

V12 Sets the starting point at the first tab automatically. Maybe that works?

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Thanks guys,
I appreciate the efforts. It’s a bummer, there are a few things I wish Estlcam could do but it gets the job done so I guess I have to deal with the few deficites. $60 is way more affordable than the commercial software.

You can try version 12 for free, we have a thread somewhere. :smile:

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