Check it out having fun with it so be nice lol
I really like the clamps. Simple, effective, cheap.
looks like I will be moving in the spring so at that time I will have a new shop bigger and better so will have all my toys setup and able to make proper areas for everything and tops I have some t-track so thinking of using that and then 3d printing the clamps but this works for now its all about having fun and that’s what I am doing lol
Just having a bit more fun with mpcnc and playing around with editing.
Wesley, really like those signs. Mind sharing what program you are using to create those? Thanks.
I am using microsoft publisher (wife does sorry and then sends them to me as a jpg) and then using v-carve pro works like a charm here is a finished sign I should have added it in the video but will save that for another lol The signs are all her idea’s I just cut&carve