Dallas Cowboys Sign

Hi all,

Made this sign for a friend.

I cut the center ( blue stained and Silver paint) with a tapered ball nose bit, it took about 4 1/2 hours.

I had to cut it 5 times, one time it just when crazy and started cutting across design. Never figured out why, static I guess. One time a belt popped off, again cutting across design. I almost gave up. The next disaster was the Z axis dropped screws loosened up by motor, cut to deep. 4 th one cut complete, but I needed to make adjustments to design it self, I could not fix with sanding to my satifaction. and last one came out nice.

The main back board with words cut, planed, biscuit joined, carved the words, and painted letters.

Came out right first try.

I still had sanding to get pieces to fit. I cut the insert in the back board 8" outside the line, and the piece itself 8" inside the line. Thought it would fit, but no.

Took me 9 weeks to finish this project. I do have a full time job to pay bills…LOL