Still work in progress, do not have much time to build at the moment, but I am getting there.
The main frame is complete and it seems that the mechanics are working well. I used stainless steel tubes w 25/22 mm OD/ID.
So far it is a nice plotter.
MPCNC drawing a picture
I plan to add a DIY brushless spindle later on, based on the NTM prop drive, 380kv, 2kW at 22V.
Looking good!!
It has been almost a year and I have learned a lot about CNC milling. This forum and the MPCNC project itself have been a great help.
In the meantime I managed to beef up the MPCNC, or more probably just put it together correctly :).
And the results are just great. Tried MDF, plastic and now aluminum for the first time. It cuts it all :). Just got to have the proper tools.
A short aluminum milling video is here, setting are in the video description:
Crab what pen holder is that on your machine? I have looked @ several but I like that one it looks like it could use larger and smaller pens? Thanks RenZ
Wow that was a great cut, much faster than my last aluminum project. you chips look like they were a good size. Solid build for sure.
I need to find something else to make now and bump up my speeds.
Thanks @vicious1. Actually I got the speed settings from one of your videos milling the aluminum motor holders.
I just adjusted it a little. Most important is to have the part as close to the gantry as possible as you wrote many times and also use the shortest possible bit that will do the job.
And the machine is rather small, which no doubt adds to rigidity, with 400x360mm work area.
@Renegadez, it is just a simple insert for my custom spindle holder, the OD is 40mm and ID about 9-10mm if i remember correctly. It can be fitted instead of the spindle. It was made to hold a standard permanent marker which I had in a drawer at the moment. It sure is not adjustable in any way to hold different sizes of pens.