Could somebody please post squaring code in GRBL

Hi All Ryan has a video on youtube called easy test for squaring your cnc .The code he posted is gcode has anybody got the GRBL version thanks

For squaring i use the simplest method: make your machine y0x0 and mark with a vbit over some tape. Move your y axis to x0 y800 and place a mark, then move your machine yo y0 X600 and get a mark there. Now to check for square the distance from y0X600 to x0y800 should be exactly 1000mm. I use a metal :straight_ruler: for my measurements


Jamie made a page that can generate some things for you if you prefer it that way, G-Code Test Pattern Generator. Moving it to each point is easy. I do believe on that video I have the code in the description of the video, if not it is linked, and you will need to edit it to your size.

grbl also uses gcode. If what you’re saying is that the auto-squaring instructions are for Marlin firmware, then this article describes the process using grblHAL and you can find other options with a quick google search on “grbl auto square.”
I normally try to provide better help than “google it” but my Burly is limited to 3 stepper drivers, so I don’t have any first-hand experience with auto-squaring and grbl.

I do like the 3 4 5 method never thought about using it on my cnc

Hi it is linked in the description. But it does not run on my jackpot using fluidnc

I will read the article when I have a break I do like the idea of auto squaring

It should be performed by hand at leat once. Then you wride down the pulloff onto the config file.

The article I linked to basically says “Once you’ve got parallel axis defined as (for example) Y and A in the grbl firmware config file and re-uploaded to your controller, run the (now enhanced for 2 motors) homing cycle, make some test holes (or draw some test points) then mechanically adjust your endstops to correct any skew. From then on, the homing cycle will result in a square machine.” This does require that you have a way to micro-adjust your end stop trigger point.

This is different from the Marlin approach, where you draw your test pattern, then calculate (or guess and iterate) the M666 correction offset(s), and save it/them in the controller eeprom. Once that’s done, each time you home the machine it “backs off” the correction offset amount on one of the motors of each axis to re-square the machine after homing. Since this correction is done in hardware, you don’t need to adjust the switch triggers for it to be effective.

Hi sorry I go dark for days I shift work and when I’m on shift I work and sleep I am going to try your suggestions over the next few days so thank you for your input

Used the 345 method and adjusted the end stops it seams square so thanks