Connectivity Issues

I’ve been having problems with board connectivity constantly.
I have gotten so far as to program the board to connect to my WiFi instead of being its own network, and I made the type of connection locked in as STA not the STA>AP option (I feel this may have been a mistake).
Now when I click the bookmarked IP address to connect, it just says the site can’t be reached and the IP address took too long to respond.
Can I get some assistance troubleshooting this and figuring out a remedy?

Your easiest option would be to connect the ESP32 to a computer with USB, and connect to it at

You can use the settings editor there to change the wifi configuration.

Do you have things, like wires, etc, hanging out over the top of the ESP32?

Typically we see issues like this mostly with messy wiring over the top of the antenna

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Here’s a pic of the inside, I don’t imagine it’s problematic.

I’ll try a corded connection and see what happens.

Thank you.

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no, that looks fine… we did have another case, I think, where it ended up being a bad ESP32 or something… but don’t remember who it was

I think that might have been me. I don’t know if it is relevant to this issue since I ordered a jackpot from escrow and an aftermarket esp32. The esp32 gave me lots of weird errors. Switched to a more reputable brand and that solved my issues.

Of course when I try a wired connection, the USB doesn’t recognize the board. This is such a fun rabbit hole!
Where best to find the drivers nowadays?

These are the needed drivers as recommended on the jackpot information page.

Also check if the cable you are using is not only a power cable, a lot of micro usb cables only provide power. Try a few different cables if you have them lying around.

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I went through that process for installing the drivers (manually, per the release notes included with the zip file). No luck. I tried two additional USB cords, no luck.
Thoughts on where to go from here?

Tell us more about your system. What computer, what OS do you run, what version of that OS?
Have you verified that the USB cable you’re using is a power+data cable and not a charge only cable as mentioned above? We see that one all the time.

You said that you were able to connect the jackpot to your local WiFi, but it’s not clear what URL you are trying to connect to. Have you tried http://fluidnc.local/ ?

On your AP, can you log in and go to the page that shows connected clients by IP? Most APs/Routers have this capability and it works well to find out where your jackpot is hanging out.

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Dell Precision 7740 laptop running Windows 11 Pro version 24H2.
Found a data cable with a USB cord testing board, so that variable is checked off. Now when I plug in the USB cord, there is a notification noise, but nothing else happens or pops up.
Currently when I power up the board and give it a few to initialize and connect to the WiFi, I then open up a new Chrome window and click the bookmark to the IP address that was working, nothing happens. The same result when I type in fluidnc.local.
As for the AP and the rest you made mention of, I have no idea what any of that means, so, no, I can’t log in.

I was finally able to get into the board and reinstall via the web FluidNC Installer.
Now I’m back to the beginning less the files that come pre-installed on the board from Ryan.
It looks like those are available via GitHub, but I’m really out of my zone.

I suspect this is something that a more savvy person could likely walk me through on the phone in a matter of minutes. Is there anyone willing/able to connect on the phone to walk me through this?

Download this folder, GitHub - V1EngineeringInc/FluidNC_Configs: Configuration and support files for the FluidNC boards typically used by V1 Engineering, unzip it. Upload all the files for your machine in the V2 folder.

Thank you for that, Ryan.

Completed the process and was able to see all the default macros back in place….but only for a moment.
When I restarted the WebUI, the files were gone and now there is some new lack of connectivity.

Literally every time I’ve attempted to connect to this board, I’ve had a different experience (wireless AP, wireless SSDI or wired through the USB) Not one time have I been able to have a predictable connection. I can’t tell where the problem is and I’m starting to wonder if I have a damaged board or if there’s something wonkey with my network setting on my computer.

How to go about diagnosing?

Perhaps this image will help relate some info.
I’m have a wired connection via USB. FluidNC.local isn’t working now (it was not long ago).
Nor does using the ISP.
If you look at the network list in the lower right corner, you’ll see that there is no signal from the board, and that makes it so I can’t connect to it as an Access Point. I had gone in to point it to the router so as to access it through the router, and that doesn’t work either.

The whole thing came from me, nothing switched?

I fire them up and do testing wirelessly over the AP, for every board.

There are a few things to try. Pull the ESP 32 off, plug in the USB for power and see if your AP is working after that. If it does unplug everything from your jackpot other than power and try that.

The jackpot is not connected to your wifi - it’s advertising its own wifi hotspot and you’re not connected to it.

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I believe that is the AP connection option, and what it’s showing in that image is that it has no signal strength. Previously I’ve seen full signal strength there and it would connect if prompted.

Perhaps I’m missing something.

No, no hardware components switched.
I’ll pull the board off and see what happens.
What am I looking for? Those bars to fill in for signal strength? If I pull the 32 off the Jackpot should I still be able to access the WebUI?

Sorry for my ignorance, I can wire VFDs all day long but computer programming isn’t my jam.

I’m guessing this shouldn’t be the case.

When you flashed the esp did you use the erase option? You need to.