Cocktail/Whiskey Smoker

Pretty simple project and design, but it offers a lot of customization possibilities, and makes a nice/cheap/easy gift for family and friends

Combining this with the laser module for customization offers a nice finishing touch while keeping it pretty easy to do…

Also, I’m using this as a pet project to learn about batch production, as I will make a few of these for the holiday season…
Getting one good sample out of the machine is one thing… but being able to machine 5-10 of these without having a different issue each and every time is a whole other matter…
Optimizing CAM for machining time as it adds up pretty quickly is also very interesting…
Learning a lot with this :slight_smile:


Ohhh, nice! I want one, Maybe a logo shaped one, and a few spares for some gifts. Right on!!!


Very nice! I’ve been wanting to make one. Is there a wire mesh to keep the chips from falling through? If so, can you share a source?

Yes it’s a 20mm diameter wire mesh press-fit into the hole
It’s originaly intended to serve as a filter for faucets :slight_smile:


I got pipe screens for mine. 200 PCS 3/4 Inch Stainless Steel Pipe Screens, 3/4 Inch Metal Pipe Screen with Metal Box I dont think it matters stainless is good

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As usual… I may have gone a bit overboard…

This was meant to be a birthday gift, and we’re supposed to be at the party today at 7:30pm

Me, at 4pm: “Hey maybe I can make a tray as a packaging for this !”
After designing it, at 4:15pm, I was looking at 2h20 of machining time >_<

It’s 7:45pm now, we’re late… But I.m kinda glad we are :slight_smile:


Worth it!

The time is nothing my wife is always late. After 40 uears i agree with Andy Griffith lways worth waiting for

I refined the CAM program and managed to get the machining time to 35min (smoker + cap) down from 55min

This is achieved through trochoidal milling (2D adaptative clearing in F360), with a single pass at full DOC (10mm), but minimal engagement of the 6mm bit (between .5 and .25mm engagement) at 1000-1500mm/s

Some areas get a few vibrations, but these are not dimension critical.
On dimension-critical areas, I just run a 2D contour finishing pass to ensure correct precision

Also, up until this point I’ve been using a d6mm l32mm roughing bit.

It’s quite brilliant at removing material (I made 18mm DOC single passes in particle boards o_O), but being an upcut bit, and a pretty agressive one, it leaved significxant tearing to be cleared in post-processing

I just switched to a d6mm l24mm downcut bit, and the results are amazing!

The only cleanup I have to do now is removing the tabs, which is quite easily done by just adding a fillet with my table router
This is the part straight out of machining, just after adding the chamfer

Just a quick hit with light sandpaper and a bit of mineral oil, add the filter, and you’re done…

Still learning a lot with this little project, and I cannot lie: I’m enjoying this :slight_smile:


That is the part I really enjoy, optimizing. For one-off stuff I go pretty conservative, more than one I keep refining until I really get the times down.

I bought myself some smoker supplies, can’t wait to try one. Thanks for the motivation.

I can share the f3d file if you want , although it’s a pretty simple design :wink:

i’m eager to see this V1 shaped smoker in video now! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want to go crazy with it, I need a fine point taper ball end. I figure it is small enough to go nuts and it will not take too long to mill out, Maybe even two-sided…my first.

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Same here. @Fabien , thanks for the inspiration! :grin:

What?!! I don’t believe it. :scream:

This is an amazing gift idea! Great job